From Sun Jul 7 07:22:13 1996 Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 02:00:19 -0400 (EDT) From: Reply-To: To: Subject: tariqas-digest V1 #27 tariqas-digest Monday, 24 June 1996 Volume 01 : Number 027 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Jacquie Weller) Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 08:57:41 +0100 Subject: Love Restores and Heals our Hearts... The One is called many names Allah, Jesus, Great Spirit, Beloved From the One we come to the One, return We are truly never separated from Our Friend Death is simply the last veil and The A open Door. Today I know the Divine Love gathers His Lovers And Keeps them well... The Poet moves in my soul and writes in bones one more poem. Today I celebrate the great reuinion. Love Kaffea Lalla... ------------------------------ From: AMBER K WILLIAMS <102064.3531@CompuServe.COM> Date: 23 Jun 96 12:41:44 EDT Subject: (Fwd) Re: Hodgkins Disease Dear Brother, After readings the followings messages, I too am requesting healing for myself. I suffer from an eating disorder and diabetes. My name is Amber (Iram) Williams and my mother's name is Carol Robinson Baldasare. My address is 1641 Virginia Street, Berkeley, Calif. 94703. Thank you so much for this service. Iram ------------------------------ From: Frank Gaude Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 10:10:18 -0700 Subject: Re: faith and heal(to Tanzen) Hello, everybody! wrote: > Assalamu'alaykum brother tanzen, > >The question is "how does one acquire faith sufficient... " > > > > Opps,.. sorry for not reading your words carefully... It is well that we gather here under this great stand of palms, drink this juice, dance this dance, say these words: Baraka bashad! "May the blessing be!" > But I think the answer for "how" is better asked to one's own sheykh. Yes, a time, a place, a person! > I'm surely unsuitable for lecturing you. :-) If one learns from a rock, why not from your, dear one? > Anyway my Sufi master taught me that shalat is the best method to have > "ikhlas" in our our our the whole of us. > Shalat(of course if done properly) will make us "ikhlas" > Shadaqa (Alms) will make us "shabr" > Shaum (Fasting) will make us "taqwa" > Hajj (Pilgrimage) will make us "tawakkal" > Ikhlas->Shabr->Taqwa->Tawakkal are the degrees of faith. > God will give the power to heal to those who are suitable enough. Lecturing? Yours is just the words I need! What greater lecture is there, can there be? > >I would translate the word "ikhlas" as "pure faith", > >one that came about without conscious work... interesting. > >Hope others add to the definition. > >Any comment? > > How about "to accept everything without complaining, > and to give everything without asking reward"? Such wisdom, an aspect of tolerance and justice, is rare, even at caravanserai! > >Does your Sufi Master teach others to cure, heal themselves? > He taught many Qur'anic verses, dhikrs, and other methods for us so that we > can cure ourselves from certain diseases. I see. > But for serious ones (like cancer, AIDS, etc.) he must do it by himself. > The same goes for spiritual healing. There are many ways, but the "Revolutionary Sufi Way" is a fine one. [...] > >Anglos, in general, do not like mental translations, such work... > >but other than that, my feelings were exalted by your Master. > > I'm sorry for my poor English (it's me who > made the page). I do find difficulties in translating my Sufi master's > works into English. I blush with you, brother! as I think of what I would write in your language... al-Hamdu'lillah! > Maybe you can help me by pointing paragraphs in the page which are unclear, > so that I can make it better and understandable for everyone. > Please e-mail me privately for this. > I don't want others to be burden with my problems. Will do... I will quote the phrases from your page then what seems to me to be the good "English", by private e-mail. > But do you know that even the intellectuals [..] > re-read his writings or attend his lectures a few times before be able to > understand and follow his ideas. > That's why his services to common people are to cure their diseases and > solve their social problems, > while to the educated ones he gives his Sufi concepts. More wisdom... peace be unto you, your master, his mureeds, and all relationships. > Sami Allahu liman hamidah. > (Meaning: May God hear those who praise him) May Absolute Birther hear those in prayer (for Iram)! tanzen ------------------------------ From: Hudoyo Hupudio Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 00:37:13 +0700 Subject: Re: Why Sai Baba may be performing "magic" At 01:22 AM 6/23/96 -0400, Habib wrote: > >Whether the "magic" is "real" or not is not terribly important. It has an >effect on people, which is why I assume Sai Baba uses it. >[...] >If he is able to assist people, Insh'Allah, in >finding the real, then it may not be harmful that he attracts people >fascinated by the "magic" that he does. An appropriate Buddhist parable relates thus: There was a kind-hearted and wealthy man, who owned a very big mansion. He had several sons who were still very young. One day the house caught fire. The old man was aware of the danger and he tried to call his sons to follow him escape from the burning house, but the sons were deeply engrossed in their toys. So he tried to allure them out of the burning house. He said to each one of them: "Look, I have a good toy, much better than what you have. Would you like to get it?" Thus the old man enticed his sons one by one, each according to his preference, to safety. >However, if people, whether >disciples of Sai Baba, or members of this list, stay at the level of >fascination with phenomena -- then, from my point of view, this is >counterproductive. > "I have come to give you the key of the treasure of bliss, to teach you how to tap that spring, for you have forgotten the way to blessedness... You want to get from me tinsel and trash, the petty little cures and promotions, worldly joys and comforts. Very few of you desire to get from me the thing that I have come to give you, namely: liberation itself. Even among these few, those who stick to the spiritual practice and succeed are a handful." (Sai Baba) Peace and Love, Hudoyo ------------------------------ From: Hudoyo Hupudio Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 00:37:16 +0700 Subject: Re: Sai Baba At 10:46 AM 6/22/96 -0700, Lily wrote: > >In my opinion, this Samuel Sandweiss is giving Jewish skeptics a bad name. > Dear Lily: I distinguish between (1) a healthy dose of inquring open- minded skepticism and (2) an all-out rejecting skepticism. The former is essential for one's healthy mental development. An open-minded skeptic will suspend judgement only so long as all the evidences have not come in. One would pursue one's subject conscientiously, inquiring and collecting evidences. An open-minded skeptic does not come to a hasty conclusion without due investigation. The latter is a fundamental mental attitude which clings tenaciously to its predetermined ideas. Its questionings are really no questionings, since by definition an all-out skeptic precludes even the remotest possibility of accepting the thing that one is questioning. The moment a skeptic entertains the idea of accepting the thing that one is skeptical about, one is well on the road to apostasy to one's skepticism, and hence incur the wrath of one's fellow skeptics. That is the fate of Dr. Sandweiss. Shalom, Hudoyo ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 00:42:13 +0700 Subject: Re: (Fwd) Re: Hodgkins Disease Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu'alaykum brother Iram, At 12:41 PM 6/23/96 EDT, you wrote: >Dear Brother, >>After readings the followings messages, I too am requesting healing for >myself. I suffer from an eating disorder and diabetes...... > >Thank you so much for this service. > >Iram > I will forward your request to my Sufi master as soon as possible. May God heal you. If there are other who also want to request such service, please e-mail me privately, so that we won't burden brother Steve Habib Rose and his subscribers. Love to all of you. Wassalamu'alaykum, your brother in another side of the world, Michael Roland ------------------------------ From: (Jacquie Weller) Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 11:47:12 +0100 Subject: Thankyou ..La illaha..illahu.. I've never seen your faces, but you know me and I you... I am never alone in this earth-place You send me messages that come >From the finest, most delicious grape-vines Tended by the Master Producer I am intoxicated with This wine of God. One taste of this, Satisfyes, and Nothing else does one desire. Kaffea Lalla ------------------------------ From: Frank Gaude Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 13:10:16 -0700 Subject: Re: Why Sai Baba may be performing "magic" Hudoyo Hupudio wrote: > > At 01:22 AM 6/23/96 -0400, Habib wrote: > >[...] > >If he is able to assist people, Insh'Allah, in > >finding the real, then it may not be harmful that he attracts people > >fascinated by the "magic" that he does. > > An appropriate Buddhist parable relates thus: [...] > Thus the old man > enticed his sons one by one, each according to his > preference, to safety. > > >However, if people, whether > >disciples of Sai Baba, or members of this list, stay at the level of > >fascination with phenomena -- then, from my point of view, this is > >counterproductive. > "I have come to give you the key of the treasure of bliss, > to teach you how to tap that spring, for you have forgotten > the way to blessedness... [...] > Even among these few, those who stick to the spiritual practice > and succeed are a handful." (Sai Baba) Yes, Hudoyo, even among the elite and elect: "Many are called but few are chosen", because of habits patterns so deep there is no conscious movement. On the other hand, those that are asleep, let them have their sleep; but those that stir, nudge them! We are all worthy, from the subatomic particles to the mightiest of stars, all of equal value in the eyes of The Beloved. Love, harmony and beauty, down these precious lines, tanzen ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 03:45:23 +0700 Subject: Re: Sai Baba At 02:05 PM 6/22/96 -0700, you wrote: >....... > >Here's a story a sheikh once told me concerning miracles: > >Onces there was a Sheikh with only one dervish. Although the dervish loved >the Sheikh and thought he was the best in the world he always felt a twang of >envy when he saw lesser sheikhs all around with many followers. >................. >Outside the sheikh put his arms around his dervish as they walked and with a big smile >said: "You see my dear dervish... see how some people are. In with a miracle and out >with fart." > >SAlaams > >Simon Bryquer > > > Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu'alaykum, Dear Simon, Alhamdulillah. Thank you for the story, it does have a special meaning for me. I'm sure that God had borrowed your e-mail to give me His message. Thank you so much. Peace and love plus a big smile to all of you. Wassalamu'alaykum, your little brother, Michael Roland ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 04:00:00 +0700 Subject: Re: Sai Baba At 11:22 PM 6/22/96 +0700, you wrote: >At 12:01 AM 6/23/96 +1000, Fariduddien wrote: >> >>Assalamu alaikum, >> >>Regarding Sai Baba, again, what has Sai Baba done that no other >>magician today can do? >> >My friend, the answer to your challenge is very simple: > >Sai Baba's greatest miracle is the transformation of millions >of hearts. For that matter, those are not the hearts of >gullible people, but intellectuals, scientists, doctors, businessmen, >politicians in high places, and ordinary people whose hearts are >yearning for spiritual nourishment, both Eastern and Western. >Many of them were one time sceptics, but they cared to listen to >his message, and the message took hold. ..... >Peace and Love, >Hudoyo > > > Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu'alaykum, Dear brothers and sisters, I think bad prejudice to Sai Baba (and to everyone and to everything) is unacceptable in the Path to God. To love God is to love all His creations. To give good prejudice to God is to give good prejudice to all His creations. I think it's one of the keys to open His many veils. Of course I'm still trying to obtain this key (and other keys too).. :-) Love to all of you, Wassalamu'alaykum, your brother who's looking for his lost keys, Michael Roland ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 05:07:42 +0800 Subject: Re: Miracles Assalamualaikum On Sun, 23 Jun 1996, Frank Gaude wrote: >Hello, folks! > > wrote: >> >> Assalamualaikum friends in tariqas >> >> On his death bed, Ghazzali said something about "ikhlas" and how we must have a >> pure heart or sincerity in our actions and words. > >That seems the whole issue, purity and sincerity... not thinking of yourself but >of others. On his death bed, Ghazzali was thinking much about himself and the time to meet his Creator. There's probably his students or close friends around, and if i remembered correctly (from reading) he said "ikhlas, ikhlas.." as if to remind himself and others the importance of that word. Ikhlas also means one put one's life and trust fully in God's hands. >> His final prayer before he >> died is to remove the slightest doubt or impure thoughts from the heart before >> meeting with his Master. > >Let us pray that it be so! Yes, pray AND guide our camel at the same time. >> On the subject of miracles, life is a great miracle (after seeing one after >> another friend, relative, mother, father passed from this world). To interact >> with all of you is itself a sort of miracle. > >Yes, our interaction is a product of people using their intellectual to discover >some of the material mysteries formed by laws laid down by Will of Absolute, our >Allah. > >If a miracle be defined as something we don't as yet understand then much of life >is a miracle, even how to produce our next breath! > >Alhamdu'lillah! > >tanzen > All Praise only to God, the Creator and Sustainer of all worlds. salam maarof > > > ------------------------------ From: Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 18:21:32 -0400 Subject: False Face >From the prologue, /Mad Bear/, Doug Boyd: The story of False Face was among the first of many tales and legends I heard from Mad Bear. The False Face that hung on the dark wall of his den was the first one I ever saw. It looked like a mask to me--an impossibly distorted and grotesque face whose nose, cheeks, chin, and protruding lips had been pushed horribly off center. I learned it was a living deity. His hair grew. ... I watched it hanging there, still and breathless and looking very much alive. Mad Bear noticed. He stopped talking and watched me for a moment. Then he turned in his chair to face the Being on the wall and spoke something in his own language. "This is False Face," he said to me, still facing the wall. "He is in my keeping. I feed him and watch over him. He goes with me to ceremonies, and I take him to the traditional rites that are for him and his People. I belong to the False Face Society. To me this is a big responsibility and a big, big honor." He paused and turned to look at me. I had no questions. They weren't necessary. He would tell me what he wished, and nothing more. "I will tell you this story -- who he is and how he came to look like that. But he is gone on now, evolved beyond this. These Beings have graduated and gone on to a higher world -- and they are high, high, high, beyond us. Yet we keep the False Face in this form and we pay honor and respect to it. It reminds us of a lesson far ahead of us -- a hard lesson that we have yet to learn. "I call him False Face even though that wasn't his name at his time. That was never the name of him or his people, but that is how we refer to it. False Face had studied and learned all the basic things in the universe. Then he had prepared and developed himself in all the medicine ways. It took centuries of hard work, but eventually he developed all the spiritual powers known on this Earth. He knew all the ways of the Creator. "One day False Face stood out in a large field looking at the skies and at the mountains in the distance. And he thought to himself: Knowing as I do all the ways of the Creator, all things in this world are possible for me. I now understand how all things are done. Why, if it should be my will, those mountains should have to move. "And then he heard the voice of the Creator whom he knew as the Great Lord of the Universe. The voice said, "'Yes, I am the Lord and the mountains are there by my will.' "False Face paused for a moment. Many times he had heard the voice of the Creator; but now he was thinking only of himself. Speaking aloud, he announced in a powerful voice: 'I have come to know the ways of the Lord and I can duplicate them all! I can move these mountains if I wish!' "And the Creator repeated: 'Yes, I am the Lord and I can move mountains.' "'Not you!' shouted False Face. 'I am referring to myself. I am talking about me. Have I developed all this for nothing? Can I do nothing myself? I have learned all the rules of power and creation! Do you still think I am useless without you?' "'You are never without me,' the Great Spirit answered in a gentle voice, 'for I am always with you.' "'But I know all your secrets now,' False Face protested. 'I know how you do all these things.' "'It is because you have come to me,' said the Great Spirit. "In spite of all that he had learned, in spite of all his training and wisdom, False Face experienced a rush of great pride and anger, and he shouted at the Creator. 'Go away. Leave me alone. I don't need you anymore. I am now powerful and you want to think of me as your little child. I am not your little child anymore. I can do anything that you can do. So just leave me alone.' "'Alone?' said the Great Spirit. There is no alone. How can I leave you? We are one and cannot be apart.' "These gentle loving words only made False Face more angry. It seemed to him, in his anger, that the Lord was discrediting him in spite of all his long efforts and the remarkable knowledge and power that he had attained. It seemed to him that the Great Spirit was still claiming all power for himself. In his angry state, False Face determined to have a contest with the Lord of the Universe and he challenged Him: "'I know you don't want these mountains moved, Lord. But I am going to move them against your will. Then you will see that I am something in my own right. You can pit your power against me if you wish, Lord!' "'I do not pit anything against anything,' answered the Lord. 'This idea of a contest is a temporary dream. Wake up and come to me now and you will see that nothing is anything in it's own right apart from all that is.' "But False Face repeated his challenge: 'You are trying to take everything away from me, Lord. You cannot take this chance away. Do what you like. Oppose me if you like, but I am going to move these mountains anyway, knowing that you want them where they are, so that it will be clear that it is done by my will alone.' "False Face waited there in the field, grim and determined, and there was nothing but silence. So he went about the contest. Though he strained with all his might, trying everything that he had learned and developed over the centuries, nothing happened. Nothing at all. There was only a soft breeze, and the mountains stood in the distance as always. He flew into a rage, cursing in a way that cannot be repeated and, when there was silence, daring the Lord to respond. He called the Great Spirit a fake and a liar, claiming the Creator had pitted his Great Will against him in spite of promising he would not. "Then an idea occurred to him. He would have his contest yet. He shouted at the Lord, daring the Lord to move the mountains while he tried to block Him with his own will as the Lord had done to him. He believed that if the Lord had neutralized his power then he could do the same to Him. But he also believed that the Lord might well want the mountains where they were and would be unwilling to move them. In either case, nothing would happen. He craved to claim victory over the Lord and he felt sure he would win his dare. He shouted his challenge again. He clenched his fists and squinted his eyes and screamed into the sky; and before he could finish his sentence, he heard a trembling and a rumbling. He spun around to look just as the mountain was coming to his side. That was his mistake, for that caused the mountain to strike his face and break his nose. "And at that the gentle voice of the Great Spirit was heard again: "Now look what we have done to our beloved self. No matter. It is very temporary. We shall now set it right with our collective will, shall we?' "False Face felt a moment of great pain, and then he had a sudden awareness. There was no contest. There had never been any contest. This was another of his countless lessons. But this was the ultimate lesson and he had arranged it -- he and His Own Self -- so that he could be free from the desire to be a separate, independent something in it's own right. So that he could be free from being apart and alone." ... <>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>><>> love to all! woodsong ------------------------------ From: (Jacquie Weller) Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 19:38:53 +0100 Subject: Re:faith and heal(to Lalla) Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu'alaykum, Michael Roland said to Kaffea: Your faith is so big that I think God already trust you to have power to heal yourself and others. How can we use this power from God? I suggest you find a true master to guide you. Yes, God is The True Healer. - ---------------- Dear Michael Everyone of us has seeds of faith We plant them and God pulls the weeds out, Prunes, tends the garden, waters, gives sun And then Love joins Love, the false falls away And the real is known Everyone has a seed of faith But does it always get planted? And do we realize it is God That knows the mysteries of growing, healing, restoring, reasurrecting and tending; I have not met a Master here in this Idaho City, only the Sufi and one dear initiator... You must know Michael I'm an ordinary Mureed I smoke too much and have bronchitis Sometimes I do my practices And other times I just don't do them. I've had a taste of God's Big love And write a poem or two because of this. But I have just began to venture in... Love Kaffea lalla. ------------------------------ From: Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 00:56:46 -0400 Subject: Re: faith and heal(to Lalla) Dear Kaffea Lalla, er... umm... Coffee <, >Everyone of us has seeds of faith >We plant them and God pulls the weeds out, >Prunes, tends the garden, waters, gives sun >And then Love joins Love, the false falls away >And the real is known > >Everyone has a seed of faith >But does it always get planted? >And do we realize it is God >That knows the mysteries of growing, >healing, restoring, reasurrecting >and tending; >I have not met a Master here in this >Idaho City, only the Sufi and one >dear initiator... > >You must know Michael >I'm an ordinary Mureed >I smoke too much and have bronchitis >Sometimes I do my practices >And other times I just don't do them. >I've had a taste of God's Big love >And write a poem or two because of this. >But I have just began to venture in... >Love Kaffea lalla. and WHAT a venture, eh? ;) Lalla, you are very Beautiful! :) Here's a quote from White Eagle (with apologies to Iram... other volumes attributed to White Eagle have been edited to be more gender sensitive. This book really bugged me when i first read it... but the message seems so pure...! :) "All men can be servers, healers! All men can be consolers. What a lovely word! What more beautiful task can you be given than to console your brother, your sister? To be a servant of God is the most lovely opportunity given to man. "The practical servants are those who walk closely with God, who are ever aware of His Presence. This is the life which creates a saint; and all Masters are saints -- humble, pure and clean. This is the state of consciousness for all who would heal, because as you aspire to it you create within you a power which men call miraculous. "Jesus in his simple ministry told the people to seek God. 'The Father and I are one.' This is the source of healing; when you are suffused with the holy light, the divine fire, through walking closely with God, the healing power pours from you. Never forget that of yourself you are nothing, and can do nothing. It is the power that works in you that accomplishes His will. This is important because God works as He wills and not as you will. "In giving healing you must recognise that divine will which works through you when you surrender yourself to it. The basis, the core, the height of all life is God. Stimulate the God in matter. Seek the love of God, the will of God; never self-will. A hard lesson, when you are learning it! When you have learnt it, you will know that it brings the only enduring power. "'Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.' There shall be nothing in life for you but God, the manifestation of God on every plane of your being, so that all human relationships at whatever level in the outside world and in your own inner world you act by His will. This makes the perfect healer and the perfect man. .... "Could you see healing hands at work with your inner sight you would see streams of light flowing through them. That light is the result of love. Only love heals -- the vibration of love. "When you have an injury, think of the injured or diseased part with thoughts of love. Lay your right hand on the painful part and think of it in terms of love -- love, not pity; pity is quite a different matter. Love the place, and the healing light will pour through your hand. "If we think of the suffering in the world with compassion, as we imagine Jesus thought of it, we can send forth a light like a great star which will find a resting place in the heart of the weary, the sad and the sick; and there the great light of love creates a new life, a new body." "The projection of the light of the star to heal mankind should not be irksome or tiring; it should be quiet radiation from within. You are the channel for the light. You yourself form the symbol of the six-pointed star. The I AM, the Christ within your heart, is the star, the flame. /I AM the star; the light the eternal fire radiates through me IS the star/. The star, as it radiates from your heart, calls to and stimulates the light and the love within the heart of those upon whom you are concentrating. "And now, using your imagination, imagine you are looking into the centre of that star which is the symbol of the Christ-man. As you gaze on it, concentrating on the love and healing light which it represents, you feel yourself being drawn into the star, you become part of it; and you are pouring out healing rays from its heart to the whole world. "The power of the spirit is within /you/. It is creative and knows no limitation. Never allow your earthly mind to cramp your thinking or restrict your vision. In your daily life, in your contacts with your fellow creatures, in your work, never allow yourself to feel the limitations of physical matter. You see, dear brethren, it is all a question of consciousness. As you think, so you /are/." with love, woodsong ------------------------------ From: (Jabreil Hanafi) Date: Mon, 24 Jun 1996 01:01:30 -0500 Subject: Majid Ya Majid I sit silent. How else? Awe keeps even this mind quiet. Here movement is still. The word is itself disappears as it bends in front of the Holy of Holys. What is this Glory which shatters mirrors into endless tears? Sit silent and enjoy the great anguish of longing arriving and than re-turning to those who so need your love. Jabriel - ----------------------------------------- Jabriel Hanafi Pivotal Point Dynamics ------------------------------ End of tariqas-digest V1 #27 ****************************