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Warning: if you can't access the GUI anymore, open a command-line window, go to the directory where you installed VLC and run "vlc -I wx" (default disabled) (default enabled) (wxWidgets interface) Apply Cancel Clear Save "Rating" to put in ASF comments.%d Hz%d kb/s%i items%i items in playlist%i items in playlist (%i not shown)%i items in the playlist%s (Encoded Output)%s: illegal option -- %c %s: invalid option -- %c %s: option `%c%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `%s' is ambiguous %s: option `%s' requires an argument %s: option `--%s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `-W %s' doesn't allow an argument %s: option `-W %s' is ambiguous %s: option requires an argument -- %c %s: unrecognized option `%c%s' %s: unrecognized option `--%s' &Add URL...&Audio&Bookmarks... Ctrl-B&Cancel&Clear&Close&Delete&File&Help&Manage&Messages...&Messages... Ctrl-M&Navigation&No&OK&Open Playlist...&Playlist... Ctrl-P&Preferences...&Reverse Sort by Title&Save&Save Playlist...&Selection&Settings&Shuffle&Simple Add File...&Video&View&View items&Wizard... Ctrl-W&Yes(Super) Video CD(c) 1996-2004 the the VideoLAN team team(c) 1996-2006 - the VideoLAN Team (no album)(no artist)(no title)--- DVD Menu----- Title00:00:001 (Lowest)1 item in the playlist100% Original1:2 Half1:4 Quarter1:File200%22 kHz tone239.0.0.42240x1922:1 Double320x2403D Now! memcpy3dfx Glide video output50%6 (Highest)A directory where to save the files has to be selected.A file containing a simple playlistA list of visual effect, separated by commas. Current effects include: dummy, scope, spectrum.A/52 audio packetizerA/52 over S/PDIFA/52 parserAAC audio decoder (using libfaad2)ADPCM audio decoderAIFF demuxerALSA Device NameALSA audio outputASCII ArtASCII-art video outputASFASF muxerASF packet size -- default is 4096 bytesASF v1.0 demuxerASINRASINXYATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoderAU demuxerAVIAVI IndexAVI demuxerAVI muxerAboutAbout %sAbout VLC media playerAbout...Access filter moduleAccess filtersAccess filters are special modules that allow advanced operations on the input side of VLC. You should not touch anything here unless you know what you are doing.Access moduleAccess modulesAccess outputAccess output moduleAccess output modules control the ways the muxed streams are sent. This setting allows you to always force a specific access output method. You should probably not do that. You can also set default parameters for each access output.Access:Account that will be used for the connection.ActivateActive windowsAdapter card to tuneAddAdd &Directory...Add Folder to PlaylistAdd InterfaceAdd NodeAdd WAVE headerAdd nodeAdd to PlaylistAdditional debugAdditional path for VLC to look for its modules.Additional streaming optionsAdditional transcode optionsAdditions or subtractions of pixels on the peak width.AddressAddress of the CDDB server to use.Address of the computer to stream to.Address:Adds distortion effectsAdjust VLC priorityAdvancedAdvanced InformationAdvanced Settings...Advanced informationAdvanced optionsAdvanced options...Advanced settingsAdvanced settings. Use with care.AlbanianAlbumAlbum/movie/show titleAllAll Files (*.*)|*|Sound Files (*.mp3, *.ogg, etc.)|All items, unsortedAll playlists|*.pls;*.m3u;*.asx;*.b4s;*.xspf|M3U files|*.m3u|XSPF playlist|*.xspfAllow only one running instanceAllow only one running instance when started from file.Allow real-time priorityAllows you to modify the password that will be used for the connection.Allows you to modify the user name that will be used for authenticating the connection.Allows you to specify a "copyright" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "date" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "description" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "genre" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "title" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "url" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify an "artist" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify an "author" metadata for an input.AltAlternate fullscreen methodAlternatively, you can build an MRL using one of the following predefined targets:AltiVec conversions from AltiVec memcpyAlways fixAlways on topAlways place the video window on top of other windows.Always write to the same fileAmerican EnglishAmplificationAnnounce Channel:Announce this session with SAP.AntennaAppendAppend to existing fileAppend to fileAppend to file if it exists instead of replacing it.ApplicationApplyApply cartoon effectApply cartoon effect. It is only used by "gradient" and "edge".AquaArabicAreaArtistArtist metadataAskAspect RatioAspect ratioAspect ratio (4:3, 16:9).Aspect ratio of the image file (4:3, 16:9). Default is square pixels.Aspect ratio: %sAspect-ratioAssign a fixed PID to the PMTAssign a fixed PID to the SPU.Assign a fixed PID to the audio stream.Assign a fixed Transport Stream ID.AudioAudio Bitrate :Audio CDAudio CD - Track Audio CD - Track %iAudio CD deviceAudio CD inputAudio ChannelAudio Channel to use, if there are several audio inputs.Audio ChannelsAudio Codec:Audio Compact DiscAudio DeviceAudio PIDAudio TrackAudio bitmaskAudio bitrateAudio channelsAudio codecAudio codecsAudio delay downAudio delay upAudio desynchronization compensationAudio device nameAudio encoderAudio filter for PCM format conversionAudio filtersAudio filters are used to postprocess the audio stream.Audio input pinAudio languageAudio output URLAudio output access methodAudio output channels modeAudio output frequency (Hz)Audio output moduleAudio output muxerAudio output pinAudio output saved volumeAudio output volume stepAudio portAudio sample rateAudio settingsAudio trackAudio track IDAudio track: %sAudio visualizationsAudio visualizations Audio volume (0-65535).Audio:AuthorAuthor metadataAuthor to put in ASF comments.Authors: the VideoLAN Team, http://www.videolan.org/team/AutoAuto re-connectAuto startAutodetect subtitle filesAutodetection of MTUAutomaticAutomatic black border cropping.Automatic croppingAutomatically detect a subtitle file, if no subtitle filename is specified (based on the filename of the movie).Automatically preparse filesAutoplay selected fileAverage bitrate toleranceB FramesB-frames between I and PB4S playlist importBackBackgroundBackground aspect ratioBand separatorBands gainBase pixel radiusBased on SVN revision: Based upon svn changeset [%s] Be quietBeOS standard API interfaceBeware this will reset the VLC media player preferences. Are you sure you want to continue?BilinearBitrateBitrate (kb/s)Bitrate Tolerance:Bitrate mode to use (VBR or CBR).Bitrate mode)Bitrate peakBitrate to use (-1 for default).Bits per sampleBlackBlack screens in fullscreenBlendBlueBluescreenBluescreen U toleranceBluescreen U valueBluescreen V toleranceBluescreen V valueBlur factor (1-127)BlurringBonjourBonjour servicesBookmarkBookmark %iBookmarksBookmarks dialogBookmarks list for a streamBorder heightBorder maskingBorder widthBothBottomBottom-LeftBottom-RightBrazilian PortugueseBridgeBridge inBridge outBridge stream outputBrightnessBrightness of the video input.Brightness thresholdBring All to FrontBritish EnglishBroadcastsBrowse...Budget modeBulgarianBy categoryBytesCC module that does nothingCBR encodingCD-ROM device to useCD-Text ArrangerCD-Text ComposerCD-Text Disc IDCD-Text GenreCD-Text MessageCD-Text PerformerCD-Text SongwriterCD-Text TitleCDDBCDDB ArtistCDDB CategoryCDDB Disc IDCDDB Extended DataCDDB GenreCDDB ServerCDDB Server port to use.CDDB TitleCDDB YearCDDB lookupsCDDB portCDDB serverCDDB server portCDDB server timeoutCDDB server uses this port number to communicate onCPUCPU featuresCPU optimizationsCRL fileCSA KeyCSA ckCSA encryption key. This must be a 16 char string (8 hexadecimal bytes).CVD subtitle decoderCableCache CDDB lookups?Cache size (number of images)CachingCaching value (ms)Caching value for CDDA streams. This value should be set in millisecond units.Caching value for DV streams. Thisvalue should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for DVB streams. This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for DVDs. This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for DirectShow streams. This value should be set in millisecondss.Caching value for FTP streams. This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for GnomeVFS streams.This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for HTTP streams. This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for MMS streams. This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for RTSP streams. This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for SMB streams. This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for TCP streams. This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for UDP streams. This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for V4L captures. This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for VCDs. This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for fake streams. This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for files. This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value for screen capture. This value should be set in milliseconds.Caching value in microsecondsCaching value in msCameraCan't saveCancelCatalanCenterCertificate fileChange the default caching value (in milliseconds)Change the display name of the Service.ChannelChannel NameChannel nameChannel:ChannelsChaoji VCD subtitle packetizerChapterChapter %iChapter codecsCharsetCheck TLS/SSL server certificate validityCheck TLS/SSL server hostname in certificateCheck for Update...Check for UpdatesCheck for Updates...Check for updatesChecking for Updates...ChineseChinese TraditionalChooseChoose directoryChoose fileChoose here your input stream.Choose inputChoose your preferred video output and configure it here.Choose...ChromaChroma in motion estimationChroma modules settingsCinepak video decoderClassicalClearClear MenuClient portClock reference average counterClock synchronisationCloneClone video filterCloseClose WindowCodecCodec DescriptionCodec NameCollect miscellaneous statistics.Collect statisticsColorColor ASCII art video outputColor inversionColor messagesColor of the video input.Color used to display text in the XOSD output.Comma-separated list of active windows, defaults to allCommandCommand UDP portCommentComment to put in ASF comments.Compact Disc Digital Audio (CD-DA) inputCompiled by Compiled by %sCompiled by %s, based on SVN revision %sCompiled by %s@%s.%s Compiler: Compiler: %s Config of last used skinConfiguration fileConfiguration file for the OSD MenuConfiguration optionsConfigureConsoleContact CDDB via the HTTP protocol?Contact this CDDB server look up CD-DA informationContinueContinuous streamContrastContrast of the video input.Control SAP flowControl interfacesControllerConversions from CopyCopy packetizerCopyrightCopyright metadataCopyright string to put in ASF comments.Correct Aspect RatioCouldn't find any trace of a previous crash.Couldn't find pixmap file: %sCreate "Fast Start" filesCreates several clones of the imageCreates several copies of the Video output windowCreating AVI Index ...CroatianCropCrop borders in fullscreenCrop geometry (pixels)Crop one pixel from the bottom of the videoCrop one pixel from the left of the videoCrop one pixel from the right of the videoCrop one pixel from the top of the videoCrop video filterCrop: %sCrops a defined part of the imageCrypt audioCrypt audio using CSACrypt videoCrypt video using CSACtrlCubeCustom aspect ratios listCustom crop ratios listCustomize:CutCycle audio trackCycle deinterlace modesCycle source aspect ratioCycle subtitle trackCycle through a predefined list of crop formats.Cycle through a predefined list of source aspect ratios.Cycle through deinterlace modes.Cycle through the available audio tracks(languages).Cycle through the available subtitle tracks.Cycle video cropCylinderCzechD&eleteDAAP accessDAAP sharesDTS audio packetizerDTS delay (ms)DTS parserDV (Digital Video) demuxerDVBDVB input with v4l2 supportDVB playlist importDVB subtitles decoderDVB subtitles encoderDVDDVD (menus)DVD angleDVD deviceDVD device to useDVD subtitles decoderDVD subtitles packetizerDVD with menusDVD without menusDVDRead Input (DVD without menu support)DVDnav InputDanceDanishData alignmentDateDate metadataDebug loggingDebug maskDecoded blocksDecodersDecodingDecoding X coordinateDecoding Y coordinateDefaultDefault DVD angle.Default IPv6 multicast interface. This overrides the routing table.Default TCP connection timeout (in milliseconds). Default audio volumeDefault caching value for Audio CDs. This value should be set in milliseconds.Default caching value for PVR streams. This value should be set in milliseconds.Default caching value for outbound UDP streams. This value should be set in milliseconds.Default devicesDefault streamDefault stream output chainDefaultsDefine playlist bookmarks.Defines a few additional parameters for the stream.Defines a few additional parameters for the transcoding.Defines radius size in pixels, of base of bands(beginning).DeinterlaceDeinterlace method to use for local playback.Deinterlace method to use for streaming.Deinterlace modeDeinterlace mode: %sDeinterlace moduleDeinterlace module to use.Deinterlace the image after loading it.Deinterlace the video before encoding.Deinterlace videoDeinterlace:Deinterlacing video filterDelayDeleteDemux moduleDemuxedDemuxersDemuxers are used to separate audio and video streams.DescriptionDescription fileDescription metadataDescription stream outputDestinationDestination audio codecDestination subtitles codecDestination video codecDetermines how many sections of spectrum will exist.Determines how the input stream will be sent.DeviceDevice nameDevice number to use on adapterDevice propertiesDevicesDialog providers can be configured here.Dialog providers settingsDigital Video (Firewire/ieee1394) inputDirac video decoderDirac video encoderDirect MV prediction modeDirect MV prediction mode.Direct prediction sizeDirectFB video output http://www.directfb.org/DirectMedia Object decoderDirectMedia Object encoderDirectShowDirectShow inputDirectX audio outputDirectX device number: 0 default device, 1..N device by number(Note that the default device appears as 0 AND another number).DirectX video outputDirectoryDirectory to cache CDDB requestsDirectory where the record will be stored.Directory where the video snapshots will be stored.DisableDisable screensaverDisable the screensaver during video playback.DiscDisc typeDiscardDiscoDismissDisplayDisplay XOSD output at the bottom of the screen instead of the top.Display feed images if available.Display name of the ServiceDisplay resolutionDisplay stream outputDisplay the stream locallyDisplay video snapshot previewDisplay while streamingDisplayed framesDistort modeDistort mode, one of "wave", "ripple", "gradient", "edge", "hough" and "psychedelic".Distort video filterDistortionDivX first version (useable with MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF and OGG)DivX second version (useable with MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF and OGG)DivX third version (useable with MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF and OGG)Do CD-Text lookups?Do not display further errorsDo not open a DOS command box interfaceDolby SurroundDolby Surround decoderDomain/Workgroup that will be used for the connection.Don't show further errorsDouble SizeDownload nowDrop files to playDrop late framesDual monoDummy InterfaceDummy S/PDIF audio mixerDummy Video outputDummy access functionDummy audio output functionDummy codec (do not transcode, useable with all encapsulation formats)Dummy decoderDummy decoder functionDummy demux functionDummy encoder functionDummy image chroma formatDummy interface functionDummy video output functionDummy/Raw muxerDumpDump filenameDuplicate stream outputDurationDuration in msDutchE&xit Ctrl-XEdgeEditEdit bookmarkEdit the properties of a bookmarkEffectEffects listElement aspect ratioElementary stream outputElements orderEmbed video in interfaceEmbeddedEmbedded playlistEmbedded video outputEmptyEmpty FolderEnableEnable CD paranoia?Enable CPU 3D Now! supportEnable CPU AltiVec supportEnable CPU MMX EXT supportEnable CPU MMX supportEnable CPU SSE supportEnable CPU SSE2 supportEnable FPU supportEnable SPU stream outputEnable audioEnable audio stream outputEnable bandsEnable baseEnable debugEnable high voltage if your cables are particularly long. This is not supported by all frontends.Enable megabass modeEnable noise reduction algorithmEnable original graphic spectrumEnable peaksEnable reverberationEnable streaming of all ESEnable sub-picturesEnable the equalizer. Bands can be set manually or using a preset.Enable the equalizer. You can either manually adjust the bands or use a preset (Audio Menu->Equalizer).Enable transparency effectsEnable videoEnable video stream outputEnable wallpaper mode Enable/disable audio rendering.Enable/disable video rendering.EnabledEncap. formatEncapsulation MethodEncapsulation formatEncoders settingsEncodingEncoding X coordinateEncoding Y coordinateEncoding qualityEnglishEnter the address of the computer to stream to.Enter the multicast address to stream to in this field. This must be an IP address between and For a private use, enter an address beginning with 239.255.Enter the multicast address to stream to. This must be an IP address between an For private use, enter an address beginning with 239.255.EntriesEntryEqualizerEqualizer presetErrorErrorsEsounD audio outputEsound serverEsperantoExisting playlist itemExpand NodeExperimentalExpiration time for resumed TLS sessionsExport SDP as fileExtended &GUI Ctrl-GExtended ControlsExtended GUIExtended M3UExtended controlsExtra interface modulesExtractFFmpeg audio/video encoderFFmpeg chroma conversionFFmpeg crop padd filterFFmpeg deinterlace video filterFFmpeg demuxerFFmpeg muxerFFmpeg video filterFLAC demuxerFLAC is a lossless audio codec (useable with OGG and RAW)FPSFTP accountFTP inputFTP passwordFTP user nameFakeFake TTYFake inputFake video decoderFast ForwardFast bilinearFasterFeed URLsFeed imagesFileFile Format:File audio outputFile dumpperFile inputFile loggingFile stream outputFile:Filebrowser starting pointFilenameFilename for the font you want to useFilename prefixFilesFiltersFinishFinnishFirst Entry PointFirst PlayedFit to ScreenFix HDTV heightFixed quantizer scaleFixed quantizer scale to use.Fixing AVI IndexFlac audio decoderFlac audio encoderFlac audio packetizerFlip horizontallyFlip vertical positionFlip verticallyFloat on TopFloat32 audio mixerFontFont EffectFont PropertiesFont sizeFont size in pixelsFont size, in pixels. Default is -1 (use default font size).Font size, pixelsFont used to display text in the XOSD output.Force IPv4Force IPv6Force detection of Dolby SurroundForce interleaved method.Force mono audioForce subtitle positionForce the DirectShow video input to use a specific frame rate(eg. 0 means default, 25, 29.97, 50, 59.94, etc.)Force the XVideo renderer to use a specific chroma format instead of trying to improve performances by using the most efficient one.Format of the output images (png or jpg).Format to use in playlist "title" field when no CDDBFormatted SubtitlesForwardFrame rateFramebuffer deviceFramebuffer device to use for rendering (usually /dev/fb0).FramerateFrames per SecondFrames per secondFreetype2 font rendererFrenchFreq 1 (Hz)Freq 1 QFreq 1 gain (Db)Freq 2 (Hz)Freq 2 QFreq 2 gain (Db)Freq 3 (Hz)Freq 3 QFreq 3 gain (Db)FrequencyFrequency:FromFuchsiaFull paths of the files separated by colons.FullscreenFullscreen video outputGNU/Linux console framebuffer video outputGOP sizeGaLaktos visualization pluginGalicianGathering stream outputGaussGeneralGeneral audio settingsGeneral input settings. Use with care.General interface settingsGeneral playlist behaviourGeneral stream output settingsGeneral video settingsGenreGenre metadataGeorgianGermanGet Stream InformationGlobal gainGnomeVFS inputGnuTLS TLS encryption layerGo back in browsing historyGo forward in browsing historyGo to ChapterGo to TitleGo to the DVD menuGoom animation speedGoom display heightGoom display widthGoom effectGradientGradient image typeGradient image type (0 or 1). 0 will turn the image to white while 1 will keep colors.GrayGrayscale video outputGreek, Modern ()GreenGroupGroup nameGrowl Notification PluginGrowl UDP portGrowl UDP port on the server.Growl passwordGrowl password on the server.Growl serverGtk+ GUI helperH.264 levelH.264 video packetizerH263H263 is a video codec optimized for videoconference (low rates, useable with MPEG TS)H264 is a new video codec (useable with MPEG TS and MP4)H264 is a new video codec (useable with MPEG TS and MPEG4)H264 video demuxerHAL AudioUnit outputHAL devices detectionHD1000 video outputHTTPHTTP ACLHTTP Host addressHTTP SSLHTTP announceHTTP inputHTTP passwordHTTP proxyHTTP serverHTTP stream outputHTTP tunnel portHTTP user agentHTTP user nameHTTP(S)HTTP/FTP/MMS/RTSPHalf SizeHeadphone effectHeadphone virtual spatialization effectHeadphone virtualizationHebrewHeightHeight of the snapshot image.Height of the zone triggering the interface.HelpHelp optionsHide OthersHide VLCHide interfaceHigh LNB voltageHigh freq (Hz)High freq gain (Db)High priorityHigh quality audio resamplingHindiHistory parameterHop limit (TTL)Host addressHot keysHotkeysHotkeys management interfaceHotkeys settingsHoughHow many CD blocks to get on a single CD read. Generally on newer/faster CDs, this increases throughput at the expense of a little more memory usage and initial delay. SCSI-MMC limitations generally don't allow for more than 25 blocks per access.HueHue of the video input.HungarianHurry upHz/sI420,IYUV,YV12 to RGB2,RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 conversionsIDID OffsetID3 tags parserIPv4 SAPIPv4 adress for the default multicast interface. This overrides the routing table.IPv4 multicast output interface addressIPv4 will be used by default for all connections.IPv6 SAPIPv6 SAP scopeIPv6 multicast output interfaceIPv6 will be used by default for all connections.ISO-9660 Application IDISO-9660 PreparerISO-9660 PublisherISO-9660 VolumeISO-9660 Volume SetIVTV MPEG Encoding cards inputIceCAST outputIcelandicIf nonzero, this gives additional debug information.If set cache CDDB information about this CDIf set, get CD-Text informationIf set, lookup CD-DA track information using the CDDB protocolIf the file already exists, it will not be overwritten.If your graphics card provides several adaptors, you have to choose which one will be used (you shouldn't have to change this).If your graphics card provides several adaptors, you need to choose which one will be used (you shouldn't have to change this).If your processor has a floating point calculation unit, VLC can take advantage of it.If your processor supports the 3D Now! instructions set, VLC can take advantage of them.If your processor supports the AltiVec instructions set, VLC can take advantage of them.If your processor supports the MMX EXT instructions set, VLC can take advantage of them.If your processor supports the MMX instructions set, VLC can take advantage of them.If your processor supports the SSE instructions set, VLC can take advantage of them.If your processor supports the SSE2 instructions set, VLC can take advantage of them.Ignored extensionsImage adjustImage adjustmentImage brightness (0-2)Image cloneImage contrast (0-2)Image croppingImage fileImage formatImage gamma (0-10)Image heightImage hue (0-360)Image inversionImage properties filterImage saturation (0-3)Image video outputImage wallImage widthIn Volts [0, 13=vertical, 18=horizontal].In a multiple monitor configuration, you can specify the Windows device name of the display that you want the video window to open on. For example, "\\.\DISPLAY1" or "\\.\DISPLAY2".In fullscreen mode, keep screen where there is no video displayed blackIn this page, a few additional streaming parameters can be set.In this page, a few additional transcoding parameters can be set.In this section you can force the behavior of the subtitle demuxer, for example by setting the subtitles type or file name.Increase the priority of the processIndexIndividual image display time of 0 - 60000 ms.IndonesianInfluence (bias) B-frames usageInfoInformationInfrared remote control interfaceInitial VBV buffer occupancyInitial command to execute.InputInput / CodecsInput bitrateInput has changedInput has changed Input listInput repetitionsInput slave (experimental)Input streamInstall Windows ServiceInstall the Service and exit.InterfaceInterface interactionInterface moduleInterlaced encodingInterlaced modeInterval between keyframes (-1 for autodetect).Invalid selectionInversion modeInversion mode [0=off, 1=on, 2=auto]Invert video filterInverts the colors of the imageIrishIt is possible to disable the input clock synchronisation for real-time sources. Use this if you experience jerky playback of network streams.ItalianJACK audio outputJapaneseJazzJoint stereoJump sizesKeep aspect ratioKeep original sizeKeep stream output openKeep the original size of mosaic elements.KeyKey intervalKeyframe Interval:KoreanLIDLNB voltageLanguageLanguage of the audio track you want to use (comma separated, two or three letter country code).Language of the subtitle track you want to use (comma separated, two or tree letter country code).LaoLargeLargerLast Entry PointLatinLeftLibNotify Notification PluginLibtwolame audio encoderLicenseLimeLinearLinear PCM audio decoderLinear PCM audio packetizerLinux OSS audio outputList IDList of sizes separated by colons (720x576:480x576).Listen to IPv4 announcements on the standard address.Listen to IPv6 announcements on the standard addresses.ListenersLoadLoad ConfigurationLoad subtitles file:Load this subtitle file. To be used when autodetect cannot detect your subtitle file.Local playbackLog all VLC messages to a text file.Log all VLC messages to syslog (UNIX systems).Log filenameLog formatLog to fileLog to syslogLoggingLoginLogo animation # of loopsLogo filenamesLogo individual image time in msLogo overlayLogo positionLogo sub filterLogo transparency value (from 0 for full transparency to 255 for full opacity).Logo video filterLong backwards jumpLong forward jumpLong jump lengthLong jump length, in seconds.LoopLost buffersLost framesLow freq (Hz)Low freq gain (Db)Low resolution decodingLower the interface below all other windows.M-JPEG camera demuxerM3U fileM3U file|*.m3u|XSPF playlist|*.xspfM3U playlist exporterM3U playlist importMIME returned by the server (autodetected if not specified.MJPEGMJPEG:MMSHMMX EXT memcpyMMX I420,IYUV,YV12 to RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 conversionsMMX conversions from MMX memcpyMOD demuxer (libmodplug)MOVMP4MP4 stream demuxerMP4/MOV muxerMP4A LATMMPEG 1 FormatMPEG Audio Layer 3 (useable with MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF, OGG and RAW)MPEG I/II video decoder (using libmpeg2)MPEG Program StreamMPEG Transport StreamMPEG Transport Stream demuxerMPEG audio / MP3 demuxerMPEG audio decoderMPEG audio layer I/II/III decoderMPEG-1 Video codec (usable with MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, OGG and RAW)MPEG-1 Video codec (useable with MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, OGG and RAW)MPEG-2 Video codec (usable with MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, OGG and RAW)MPEG-2 Video codec (useable with MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, OGG and RAW)MPEG-4 Video codec (useable with MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF, MP4, OGG and RAW)MPEG-4 Video codec (useable with MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF, MPEG4, OGG and RAW)MPEG-4 audio demuxerMPEG-4 video demuxerMPEG-I/II video demuxerMPEG-I/II video packetizerMPEG-PS demuxerMPEG1MPEG2 video switcher stream outputMPEG2 video transrating stream outputMPEG4 audio packetizerMPEG4 video packetizerMRLMRL:MSN Now-PlayingMSN Title format stringMTU for out modeMTU for out mode.MTU of the network interfaceMac OS X interfaceMagnifies part of the imageMagnifyMagnify/Zoom interactive video filterMain interfacesMake a donationMalayManually addedMaoriMaroonMarqueeMarquee displayMarquee positionMarquee text to display.Matroska stream demuxerMatrox Graphic Array video outputMax lengthMax levelMax local bitrateMaximum B (deprecated)Maximum GOP sizeMaximum bitrateMaximum encoding bitrateMaximum levelMaximum number of characters displayed on the screen.Maximum number of connectionsMaximum output video height.Maximum output video width.Maximum video heightMaximum video quantizer scale.Maximum video widthMedia &Info...Media Catalog Number (MCN)Media Resource Locator (MRL)Media dump access filter trigger.Media: %sMedium backwards jumpMedium forward jumpMedium jump lengthMedium jump length, in seconds.Mega bass levelMemory copy moduleMenuMenu positionMenu timeoutMenu update intervalMessagesMeta-informationMetadataMethod used by libdvdcss for decryptionMicrosoft Media Server (MMS) inputMiddleMimeMime typeMinimal interfaceMinimize WindowMinimize number of threadsMinimum B (deprecated)Minimum GOP sizeMinimum encoding bitrateMinimum video quantizer scale.MiscMiscellaneousMiscellaneous audio settings and modules.Miscellaneous settings related to On-Screen-Display, subtitles and "overlay subpictures".Miscellaneous stress testsModeModulation typeModules search pathMongolianMonitor pixel aspect ratioMonoMore InfoMore InformationMore informationMosaicMosaic alignmentMosaic bridge stream outputMosaic video sub filterMotion blurMotion blur filterMotion detectMotion detect video filterMotion maskingMouse GesturesMultipart JPEG muxerMusePack demuxerMuteMute audioMux moduleMuxerMuxer:MuxersMuxers create the encapsulation formats that are used to put all the elementary streams (video, audio, ...) together. This setting allows you to always force a specific muxer. You should probably not do that. You can also set default parameters for each muxer.Muxing applicationN/ANET IDNT ServiceNTSCNameName of desired display deviceName of the audio device to use. If you don't specify anything, no audio device will be used.Name of the video device to use. If you don't specify anything, no video device will be used.Navigate downNavigate leftNavigate rightNavigate upNavigationNavyNcurses interfaceNetworkNetwork SyncNetwork settingsNetwork synchronisationNetwork: Never fixNew broadcastNew nodeNextNext TitleNext chapterNext playlist itemNext titleNext trackNoNo %@s foundNo CrashLog foundNo file selectedNo folder selectedNo help availableNo inputNo input foundNo input found. A stream must be playing or paused for bookmarks to work.No input selectedNo items in the playlistNo valid destinationNoise reductionNoneNormNorm:NormalNormal SizeNorwegianNotifyNow PlayingNullSoft demuxerNumber of B frames that will be coded between two reference frames.Number of CD blocks to get in a single read.Number of P frames between two I frames.Number of audio buffersNumber of bandsNumber of bands used by spectrum analyzer, should be 20 or 80.Number of bands used by the spectrometer, from 20 to 80.Number of blank pixels between bands.Number of blocks per CD readNumber of clonesNumber of columnsNumber of consecutive B-frames between I and P-frames. Range 1 to 16.Number of frames per second (eg. 24, 25, 29.97, 30).Number of frames that will be coded for one key frame.Number of horizontal windows in which to split the video.Number of image columns in the mosaic (only used if positionning method is set to "fixed".Number of image rows in the mosaic (only used if positionning method is set to "fixed".Number of output channelsNumber of reference framesNumber of resumed TLS sessionsNumber of rowsNumber of starsNumber of stars to draw with random effect.Number of threadsNumber of threads used for the transcoding.Number of time the same input will be repeatedNumber of vertical windows in which to split the video.Number of video windows in which to clone the video.Nuv demuxerOGGOGG demuxerOKOSD menuOSS DSP deviceOffOgg/OGM muxerOld playlist exporterOliveOnOn Screen DisplayOn Screen Display menuOn Windows 9x/Me you can use a fast but incorrect condition variables implementation (more precisely there is a possibility for a race condition to happen). However it is possible to use slower alternatives which are more robust. Currently you can choose between implementation 0 (which is the fastest but slightly incorrect), 1 (default) and 2.One instance when started from fileOne of '90', '180', '270', 'hflip' and 'vflip'Online DocumentationOnline ForumOpacityOpaquenessOpenOpen &Capture Device...Open &Disc...Open &Disc... Ctrl-DOpen &File...Open &File... Ctrl-FOpen &Network Stream...Open &Network Stream... Ctrl-NOpen C&apture Device... Ctrl-AOpen CrashLogOpen D&irectory...Open Dir&ectory... Ctrl-EOpen DiscOpen Disc...Open FileOpen File...Open Messages WindowOpen Network...Open RecentOpen SourceOpen SubtitlesOpen VIDEO_TS DirectoryOpen a skin fileOpen fileOpen playlistOpen skin...Open subtitles fileOpen...Open:OpenGL cube rotation speedOpenGL sampling accuracy OpenGL video outputOpenGL(GLX) providerOptionsOptions:OtherOther advanced settingsOther codecsOutlineOutputOutput URLOutput access methodOutput chroma for the snapshot image (a 4 character string, like "RV32").Output destinationOutput deviceOutput fileOutput formatOutput modulesOutput muxerOutput video height.Output video width.OutputsOverlay video outputOverlaysOverlays/SubtitlesOverride paramettersOwnerPALPCR delay (ms)PDA Linux Gtk2+ interfacePES maximum sizePLS playlist importPMT PIDPMT Program numbersPNG video decoderPORTAUDIO audio outputPSPS muxerPVA demuxerPVRPVR radio devicePVR video devicePacket SizePacket size in bytes to encryptPacketizer modules settingsPacketizersPacketizers are used to "preprocess" the elementary streams before muxing. This setting allows you to always force a packetizer. You should probably not do that. You can also set default parameters for each packetizer.Parametric EqualizerPartial ExtractPasswordPassword that will be used for the connection.Password to be used for connection to the SOCKS proxy.PastePathPath to OSD menu imagesPath to the OSD menu images. This will override the path defined in the OSD configuration file.Path to the skin to use.PausePause onlyPausedPeak bitrate in VBR mode.Peak extra widthPeak heightPerformance optionsPermissionsPhilips OGT (SVCD subtitle) decoderPhilips OGT (SVCD subtitle) packetizerPlayPlay and stopPlay fasterPlay files randomly foreverPlay locallyPlay locally the stream while streaming it.Play onlyPlay playlist bookmark 1Play playlist bookmark 10Play playlist bookmark 2Play playlist bookmark 3Play playlist bookmark 4Play playlist bookmark 5Play playlist bookmark 6Play playlist bookmark 7Play playlist bookmark 8Play playlist bookmark 9Play slowerPlay this BranchPlay/PausePlaybackPlayback controlPlayed buffersPlayingPlaylistPlaylist bookmark 1Playlist bookmark 10Playlist bookmark 2Playlist bookmark 3Playlist bookmark 4Playlist bookmark 5Playlist bookmark 6Playlist bookmark 7Playlist bookmark 8Playlist bookmark 9Playlist is emptyPlaylist item infoPlaylist stress testsPlaylist viewPlease enter an addressPlease enter node namePlease provide one of the following parameters:PluginsPodcastPodcast AuthorPodcast CategoryPodcast CopyrightPodcast DurationPodcast InfoPodcast KeywordsPodcast LinkPodcast Publication DatePodcast SizePodcast SubcategoryPodcast SubtitlePodcast SummaryPodcast TypePodcast URLs listPodcast parserPodcastsPolishPopPortPort:PortuguesePositionPositioning methodPositioning method for the mosaic. auto: automatically choose the best number of rows and columns. fixed: use the user-defined number of rows and columns.Post processingPost processing qualityPre-motion estimationPreampPreamp 12.0dBPreferencePreference&s... Ctrl-SPreferencesPreferences...Preferred decoders listPreferred encoders listPreferred packetizer listPrefix of the output images filenames. Output filenames will have the "prefixNUMBER.format" form.Preload DirectoryPreparerPreparsePreset to use for the equalizer.Press menu select or pause to continue.Prev TitlePrevents the audio output from going over a predefined value.Prevents the audio output level from going over a predefined value.PreviousPrevious chapterPrevious playlist itemPrevious titlePrevious trackPrivate key fileProbe DVB card for capabilitiesProgramProgramsProtocol:PublisherPure-interlaced mode.PurpleQNX RTOS video and audio outputQT Embedded displayQT Embedded video outputQt Embedded GUI helperQt Embedded hardware display to use. By default VLC will use the value of the DISPLAY environment variable.QualityQuality levelQuality of the encoding between 1.0 (low) and 10.0 (high).Quality of the stream.Quality-based VBRQuality:Quantizer scaleQuartz videoQuick &Open File...Quick &Open File... Ctrl-OQuick Open File...QuickTime library decoderQuiet modeQuiet mode.Quiet synchroQuitQuit VLCR&BRCRRD output fileRSS and Atom feed displayRTPRTP MulticastRTP UnicastRTP stream outputRTP/RTSP/SDP demuxer (using Live555)RTSP VoDRTSP VoD serverRTSP announceRTSP host addressRTSP passwordRTSP user nameRTSP/RTP access and demuxRV32 conversion filterRadio deviceRadius of the OpenGL cylinder effect, if enabledRaise the interface above all other windows.RandomRandom OffRandom OnRandomizeRatingRatio of images to record. 3 means that one image out of three is recorded.Raw A/52 demuxerRaw writeRead a VLM configuration file as soon as VLM is started.Read at mediaReadMe...Real RTSPReal demuxerRealAudio library decoderRecordRecord access filter start/stop.Record directoryRecording ratioRedRefresh listRefresh timeRelative font sizeRemember wizard optionsRemote control interfaceRemote control interface initialized. Type `help' for help.RemoveRemove AllRemoves all the bookmarks for that streamRemoves the selected bookmarksRepeat AllRepeat OffRepeat OneRepeat allRepeat current itemReport a BugReset AllReset PreferencesResize VLC to match the video resolution.ResolutionRestore DefaultsReverberation level (from 0 to 100, default value is 0).Reverse stereoRewindRightRippleRockRock & rollRomanianRoot CA fileRotate by 180 degreesRotate by 270 degreesRotate by 90 degreesRotates or flips the imageRotation speed of the OpenGL cube effect, if enabled.Run as daemon processRun as standalone Qt/Embedded GUI ServerRuns VLC as a background daemon process.RussianS&ortSAPSAP AnnounceSAP Announce:SAP AnnouncementsSAP Strict modeSAP announceSAP announcement intervalSAP announcingSAP is a way to publically announce streams that are being sent using multicast UDP or RTP.SAP multicast addressSAP timeout (seconds)SDL_image video decoderSDPSDP URLSDP file parser for UDPSECAMSINERSINEXYSLP Announce:SMB domainSMB inputSMB passwordSMB user nameSOCKS passwordSOCKS proxy server to use. This must be of the form address:port. It will be used for all TCP connectionsSOCKS serverSOCKS user nameSPU PIDSQUARERSQUAREXYSSIM computationSVCD subtitlesSVG template fileSVGAlib video outputSample aspect ratioSample aspect ratio of the destination (1:1, 3:4, 2:3).Sample rateSamplerateSamplerate:SaveSave &As...Save ConfigurationSave FileSave Messages As...Save PlaylistSave Playlist...Save fileSave file toSave file...Save playlistSave raw codec dataSave to fileSaves the stream to a file. The stream must be a format that VLC recognizes. If desired, the stream can also be transcoded to another format. Please note that VLC is not very suited for file-to-file transcoding. Its transcoding features are more appropriate for saving network streams.ScaleScaling modeScaling mode to use.ScopeScope for IPv6 announcements (default is 8).ScreenScreen InputScreen for fullscreen mode.Screen to use in fullscreen mode. For instance set it to 0 for first screen, 1 for the second.SearchSearch in PlaylistSegmentSegment filenameSegmentsSelectSelect "Advanced Options" to see all options.Select AllSelect NoneSelect a directorySelect a fileSelect a streamSelect all elementary streamsSelect next DVD chapterSelect next DVD titleSelect prev DVD chapterSelect previous DVD titleSelect skinSelect the accuracy of 3D object sampling(1 = min and 10 = max)Select the audio input source. See the "video input" option.Select the audio output type. See the "video input" option.Select the desired modules. For more advanced control, the resulting "chain" can be modified.Select the directory to save toSelect the file to save toSelect the hotkey to display the position.Select the hotkey to make a long backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a long forward jump.Select the hotkey to make a medium backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a medium forward jump.Select the hotkey to make a short backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a short forward jump.Select the hotkey to make a very short backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a very short forward jump.Select the hotkey to quit the application.Select the hotkey to stop playback.Select the hotkey to use for fast forward playback.Select the hotkey to use for slow motion playback.Select the hotkey to use to pause.Select the hotkey to use to play.Select the hotkey to use to skip to the next item in the playlist.Select the hotkey to use to skip to the previous item in the playlist.Select the hotkey to use to swap fullscreen state.Select the hotkey to use to swap paused state.Select the key to activate selected item in DVD menus.Select the key to choose the next chapter from the DVDSelect the key to choose the next title from the DVDSelect the key to choose the previous chapter from the DVDSelect the key to choose the previous title from the DVDSelect the key to decrease audio volume.Select the key to decrease the audio delay.Select the key to decrease the subtitle delay.Select the key to go back (to the previous media item) in the browsing history.Select the key to go forward (to the next media item) in the browsing history.Select the key to increase audio volume.Select the key to increase the audio delay.Select the key to increase the subtitle delay.Select the key to move the selector down in DVD menus.Select the key to move the selector left in DVD menus.Select the key to move the selector right in DVD menus.Select the key to move the selector up in DVD menus.Select the key to mute audio.Select the key to play this bookmark.Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.Select the key to take you to the DVD menuSelect the stream with the maximum bitrate under that limit.Select the target audio codec. Choose a codec to display more information about it.Select the target video codec. Choose a codec to display more information about it.Select the tuner input type (Cable/Antenna).Select the video output type. See the "video input" option.Select your audio codec. Click one to get more information.Select your video codec. Click one to get more information.Send rateSent bytesSent packetsServicesServices DiscoveryServices discoveryServices discovery modulesServices discovery modules are facilities that automatically add items to playlist.SessionSession Announcements (SAP)Session URLSession descriptionSession emailSession groupnameSession nameSet PID to ID of ESSet ffmpeg debug maskSet id of ES to PIDSet playlist bookmark 1Set playlist bookmark 10Set playlist bookmark 2Set playlist bookmark 3Set playlist bookmark 4Set playlist bookmark 5Set playlist bookmark 6Set playlist bookmark 7Set playlist bookmark 8Set playlist bookmark 9Set subtitle delay (in 1/10s)Set the encoding used in text subtitlesSet the geometry of the zone to crop. This is set as x + + .Set the global gain in dB (-20 ... 20).Set the image brightness, between 0 and 2. Defaults to 1.Set the image contrast, between 0 and 2. Defaults to 1.Set the image gamma, between 0.01 and 10. Defaults to 1.Set the image hue, between 0 and 360. Defaults to 0.Set the image saturation, between 0 and 3. Defaults to 1.Set the justification of subtitlesSet the maximum allowed PES size when producing the MPEG PS streams.Set the tuner country code that establishes the current channel-to-frequency mapping (0 means default).SettingSettings for VLC's control interfacesSettings for VLC's interfacesSettings for audio+video and miscellaneous decoders and encoders.Settings for the audio-only decoders and encoders.Settings for the main interfaceSettings for the video-only decoders and encoders.Settings related to playlist behaviour (e.g. playback mode) and to modules that automatically add items to the playlist ("service discovery" modules).Settings related to the various access methods used by VLC. Common settings you may want to alter are HTTP proxy or caching settings.Settings...Several visual OpenGL effects are available.Shadow offsetShiftShort backwards jumpShort forward jumpShort jump lengthShort jump length, in seconds.ShoutcastShoutcast TVShoutcast TV listingsShoutcast radio listingsShow AllShow InterfaceShow VLC on the taskbarShow a systray icon for VLCShow advanced optionsShow bookmarks dialog at startupShow extended VCD info?Show interfaceShow interface with mouseShow labels below the icons in the toolbar.Show labels in toolbarShow stream positionShow the properties dialog of the selected device before starting the stream.Show the tuner properties [channel selection] page.Show/Hide InterfaceShuffleSilent modeSilverSimple DirectMedia Layer audio outputSimple DirectMedia Layer video outputSimple XML ParserSimplified ChineseSizeSize to videoSize:SizesSkin files (*.vlt;*.wsz)|*.vlt;*.wsz|Skin files (*.xml)|*.xmlSkin to useSkinnable InterfaceSkinsSkins loader demuxSkip framesSkip loop filterSlovakSlowerSmallSmallerSmooth :SnapshotSnapshot cache size (number of images to keep).Snapshot heightSnapshot moduleSnapshot widthSocks proxySome options are available but hidden. Check "Advanced options" to see them.Some options are hidden. Check "Advanced" to display them.Sort Node by AuthorSort Node by NameSort by &TitleSort by NameSort by PathSort this BranchSorted by AlbumSorted by ArtistSound:Source aspect ratioSource directorySout streamSpanishSpecial modulesSpecifies the MRL. This can be specified directly or filled in automatically by adjusting the stream settings.Specify an identifier string for this subpictureSpecify the deinterlace module to use.Specify the log filename.Specify the log format. Available choices are "text" (default) and "html".Specify the log format. Available choices are "text" (default), "html", and "syslog" (special mode to send to syslog instead of file.Spectral sectionsSpectrometerSpectrumSpectrum analyserSpeedSpeed of feedsSpeex audio decoderSpeex audio encoderSpeex audio packetizerSpeex commentSphereStandardStandard filesystem directory inputStandard stream outputStart directly in menuStart the DVD directly in the main menu. This will try to skip all the useless warning introductions.Start timeStart video in fullscreen modeStay On TopStep BackwardStep ForwardStereoStereo modeStopStop the playlist after each played playlist item.Stop timeStoppedStreamStream %dStream AnnouncingStream ID of the audio track to use.Stream ID of the subtitle track to use.Stream MP3Stream all elementary streams (video, audio and subtitles)Stream and Media &Info... Ctrl-IStream and Media InfoStream bitrateStream descriptionStream nameStream number of the audio track to use (from 0 to n).Stream number of the subtitle track to use (from 0 to n).Stream outputStream output MRLStream output is what allows VLC to act as a streaming server or to save incoming streams. Streams are first muxed and then sent through an "access output" module that can either save the stream to a file, or stream it (UDP, HTTP, RTP/RTSP). Sout streams modules allow advanced stream processing (transcoding, duplicating...).Stream to a single computer.Stream to networkStream/SaveStreamingStreaming and Transcoding OptionsStreaming deinterlace modeStreaming methodStreaming/Exporting Wizard...Streaming/Saving:Streaming/Transcoding WizardStretch video to fill windowSubdirectory behaviorSubpicture positionSubpicturesSubpictures filter moduleSubtitleSubtitle FileSubtitle autodetection fuzzinessSubtitle autodetection pathsSubtitle delay downSubtitle delay upSubtitle demuxer settingsSubtitle languageSubtitle optionsSubtitle track: %sSubtitlesSubtitles TrackSubtitles alignmentSubtitles codecSubtitles delaySubtitles encoderSubtitles encodingSubtitles fileSubtitles formatSubtitles justificationSubtitles overlaySubtitles text encodingSubtitles trackSubtitles track IDSubtitles/OSDSummarySundaneseSurroundSurround delay (ms)Surround delay, in ms. Usual values are from 5 to 40 msSurround effect level (from 0 to 100, default value is 0).Surround levelSwedishSwitch interfaceSynchronise on audio trackSystem IdSystray iconTCPTCP command inputTCP connection timeoutTCP inputTSTS IDTS muxer (libdvbpsi)TTA demuxerTY Stream audio/video demuxTajikTake Screen ShotTake video snapshotTakes a video snapshot and writes it to disk.TamilTarget output frame rate for the video stream.Target:Tarkin decoder moduleTaskbarTealTell VLC that it is being launched due to a file association in the OSTelnet InterfaceTextText default colorText positionText rendererText rendering moduleText subtitles decoderText subtitles parserThaiThe VideoLAN team http://www.videolan.org/The VideoLAN team http://www.videolan.org/ The color of the text that will be rendered on the video. This must be an hexadecimal (like HTML colors). The first two chars are for red, then green, then blue. #000000 = black, #FF0000 = red, #00FF00 = green, #FFFF00 = yellow (red + green), #FFFFFF = whiteThe degree of blurring from 1 to 127.The height of the effects video window, in pixels.The latest VLC media player release is %s (%i MB to download).The step size of the volume is adjustable using this option, in a range from 0 to 1024.The stream must be playing or paused for bookmarks to workThe stream will start at this position (in seconds).The stream will stop at this position (in seconds).The umber of frames used for detection.The wallpaper mode allows you to display the video as the desktop background. Note that this feature only works in overlay mode and the desktop must not already have a wallpaper.The width of the effects video window, in pixels.Theora is a free general-purpose codec (useable with MPEG TS and OGG)Theora is a free general-purpose codec (useable with MPEG TS)Theora video decoderTheora video encoderTheora video packetizerThere are two ways to make a fullscreen window, unfortunately each one has its drawbacks. 1) Let the window manager handle your fullscreen window (default), but things like taskbars will likely show on top of the video. 2) Completely bypass the window manager, but then nothing will be able to show on top of the video.There is no help available for these modules.These are general settings for audio output modules.These are general settings for video/audio/subtitles encoding modules.These are the settings for the input, demultiplexing and decoding parts of VLC. Encoder settings can also be found here.These modules provide network functions to all other parts of VLC.These options allow you to configure the interfaces used by VLC. You can select the main interface, additional interface modules, and define various related options.These options allow you to modify the behavior of the audio subsystem, and to add audio filters which can be used for post processing or visual effects (spectrum analyzer, etc.). Enable these filters here, and configure them in the "audio filters" modules section.These options allow you to set default global options for the stream output subsystem.These settings affect chroma transformation modules.This AVI file is broken. Seeking will not work correctly. Do you want to try to repair it (this might take a long time) ?This adds visualization modules (spectrum analyzer, etc.).This allows to save a stream to a file. The can be reencoded on the fly. Whatever VLC can read can be saved. Please note that VLC is not very suited for file to file transcoding. Its transcoding features are however useful to save network streams, for example.This allows to stream on a network.This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.This allows you to force an access module. You can use it if the correct access is not automatically detected. You should not set this as a global option unless you really know what you are doing.This allows you to give a broader description of the stream, that will be announced in the SDP (Session Descriptor).This allows you to play from several inputs at the same time. This feature is experimental, not all formats are supported. Use a '#' separated list of inputs.This allows you to select a list of encoders that VLC will use in priority.This allows you to select the order in which VLC will choose its packetizers.This allows you to set the animation speed (between 1 and 10, defaults to 6).This allows you to set the resolution of the Goom display (bigger resolution will be prettier but more CPU intensive).This allows you to specify a group for the session, that will be announced if you choose to use SAP.This allows you to specify a name for the session, that will be announced if you choose to use SAP.This allows you to specify the Time-To-Live for the output stream.This allows you to specify the base port for the RTP streaming.This allows you to specify the default audio port for the RTP streaming.This allows you to specify the default video port for the RTP streaming.This allows you to specify the muxer used for the streaming output. Default is to use no muxer (standard RTP stream).This allows you to stream MPEG4 LATM audio streams (see RFC3016).This determines how fuzzy subtitle and movie filename matching will be. Options are: 0 = no subtitles autodetected 1 = any subtitle file 2 = any subtitle file containing the movie name 3 = subtitle file matching the movie name with additional chars 4 = subtitle file matching the movie name exactlyThis enables colorization of the messages sent to the console Your terminal needs Linux color support for this to work.This is a coefficient that modifies the height of the bands.This is the audio codec that will be used.This is the audio encoder module that will be used (and its associated options).This is the audio output method used by VLC. The default behavior is to automatically select the best method available.This is the default Audio CD device to use.This is the default Audio CD device to use. If you don't specify anything, we'll scan for a suitable CD-ROM device.This is the default DVD device to use.This is the default VCD device to use.This is the default VCD device to use. If you don't specify anything, we'll scan for a suitable CD-ROM device.This is the default muxer method that will be used.This is the default output URI.This is the default output access method that will be used.This is the default port used for UDP streams. Default is 1234.This is the default size of the fonts that will be rendered on the video. If set to something different than 0 this option will override the relative font size.This is the desired frame rate when playing MJPEG from a file. Use 0 (this is the default value) for a live stream (from a camera).This is the destination (URL) that will be used for the stream.This is the main interface used by VLC. The default behavior is to automatically select the best module available.This is the maximum packet size that can be transmitted over the network interface. On Ethernet it is usually 1500 bytes.This is the muxer that will be used for audio.This is the muxer that will be used for video.This is the muxer that will be used.This is the name of the session that will be announced in the SDP (Session Descriptor).This is the output URI that will be used for audio.This is the output URI that will be used for video.This is the output URL that will be used.This is the output access method that will be used for audio.This is the output access method that will be used for video.This is the relative default size of the fonts that will be rendered on the video. If absolute font size is set, relative size will be overriden.This is the subtitles codec that will be used.This is the subtitles encoder module that will be used (and its associated options).This is the the video output method used by VLC. The default behavior is to automatically select the best method available.This is the verbosity level (0=only errors and standard messages, 1=warnings, 2=debug).This is the video codec that will be used.This is the video encoder module that will be used (and its associated options).This option enables framedropping on MPEG2 stream. Framedropping occurs when your computer is not powerful enoughThis page allows to select how the input stream will be sent.This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License; see the file named COPYING for details. Written by the VideoLAN team; see the AUTHORS file. This saves the audio output volume when you use the mute function. You should not change this option manually.This stream will always be opened at VLC startup.This uses a high quality audio resampling algorithm. High quality audio resampling can be processor intensive so you can disable it and a cheaper resampling algorithm will be used instead.This version of VLC is latest available.This version of VLC is outdated.This will force a mono audio output.This will reset your VLC media player preferences. Are you sure you want to continue?This wizard helps you to stream, transcode or save a stream.This wizard only contains a small subset of VLC's streaming and transcoding capabilities. Use the Open and Stream Output dialogs to access all of them.This wizard only gives access to a small subset of VLC's streaming and transcoding capabilities. The Open and 'Saving/Streaming' dialogs will give access to more features.ThresholdTibetanTimeTime To Live (TTL):Time display sub filterTime format string (%Y%m%d %H%M%S)Time overlayTime-To-Live (TTL)Time-To-Live of the outgoing stream.TimeoutTimeout (ms)TimeshiftTimeshift directoryTitleTitle %iTitle metadataTitle number.Title to put in ASF comments.ToToolTopTop left corner X coordinateTop left corner Y coordinateTop-LeftTop-RightTorusTotal height of the mosaic, in pixels.Total pixel height of the peak items.Total width of the mosaic, in pixels.TrackTrack %iTrack NumberTrack number.Track number/position in setTrack settingsTrack size (in sectors)TracksTranscodeTranscode audioTranscode audio (if available)Transcode stream outputTranscode videoTranscode video (if available)Transcode/Save to fileTranscode:Transcoding optionsTransform typeTransformationTransparencyTransparency of the logoTransparent CubeTreat as a pipe rather than as a fileTrigger buttonTrust MPEG timestampsTry to parse the announceTry to use triple buffering when using YUV overlays. That results in much better video quality (no flickering).TunerTuner TV ChannelTuner country codeTuner input typeTuner propertiesTuner to use, if there are several ones.Tuner:TurkishTurn off all warning and information messages.Two bookmarks have to be selected.TypeType 'menu select' or 'pause' to continue.Type 'pause' to continue.UDPUDP MulticastUDP UnicastUDP portUDP port to listen to for commands.UDP stream outputUDP/IPv4 network abstraction layerUDP/IPv6 network abstraction layerUDP/RTPUDP/RTP MulticastUDP/RTP inputUNIX socket command inputURIURLURL metadataURL:UTF-8 subtitles autodetectionUighurUkrainianUn-ZoomUnable to find playlistUncompressed audio samples (useable with WAV)Uncrop one pixel from the bottom of the videoUncrop one pixel from the left of the videoUncrop one pixel from the right of the videoUncrop one pixel from the top of the videoUndefinedUninstall Windows ServiceUninstall the Service and exit.Universal Plug'n'Play discoveryUniversal Plug'n'Play discovery ( Intel SDK )UnknownUnknown VideoUnknown command `%s'. Type `help' for help.Unknown soundcardUntitledUpdateUpdatesUse CD audio controls and output?Use DVD MenusUse DVD menusUse Navigation-style playback?Use RTP over RTSP (TCP)Use S/PDIF when availableUse SAP cacheUse VLC as a stream serverUse Variable BitRate. Default is to use Constant BitRate (CBR).Use YUVP rendererUse a plugins cacheUse a plugins cache which will greatly improve the startup time of VLC.Use a subtitles fileUse an external subtitles file.Use as Desktop BackgroundUse float32 outputUse hardware YUV->RGB conversionsUse keyframesUse minimal interface, with no toolbar and fewer menus.Use playback control?Use shared memoryUse shared memory to communicate between VLC and the X server.Use subtitle fileUse this to stream on a networkUse this to stream on a network.Use this to stream to a single computer.Use this to stream to a single computer. RTP headers will be added to the streamUse track length as maximum unit in seek?Use triple buffering for overlaysUse video buffers in system memoryUserUser agent that will be used for the connection.User name that will be used for the connection.User name to be used for connection to the SOCKS proxy.UsernameUzbekV-plane colorVBR modeVBV bufferVCDVCD FormatVCD deviceVCD inputVIDEO_TS directoryVLC - ControllerVLC can avoid creating window caption, frames, etc... around the video, giving a "minimal" window.VLC can display messages on the video. This is called OSD (On Screen Display).VLC is started from file associationVLC media playerVLC media player is an MPEG, MPEG 2, MP3 and DivX player that accepts input from local or network sources and is licensed under the GPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html).VLC media player: Open Media FilesVLC media player: Open Subtitle FileVLC preferencesVLC version %s VLC will keep playing the current playlist item.VLC will keep playing the playlist indefinitely.VLC will randomly play files in the playlist until interrupted.VLC's implementation of Video On DemandVLMVLM Control... Ctrl-VVLM configuration fileVLM remote control interfaceVLM streamVOC demuxerVODVerbosity (0,1,2)Vertical SyncVertical offsetVery short backwards jumpVery short forward jumpVery short jump lengthVery short jump length, in seconds.VideoVideo Bitrate:Video CD (VCD 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, SVCD, HQVCD) inputVideo Codec:Video DeviceVideo ManagerVideo OptionsVideo PIDVideo TrackVideo X coordinateVideo Y coordinateVideo alignmentVideo bitrateVideo bitrate toleranceVideo bitrate tolerance in kbit/s.Video canvas aspect ratioVideo canvas heightVideo canvas widthVideo codecVideo codecsVideo crop (bottom)Video crop (left)Video crop (right)Video crop (top)Video croppingVideo decoder using openmashVideo deviceVideo device nameVideo encoderVideo filterVideo filter moduleVideo filtersVideo filters are used to postprocess the video stream.Video filters settingsVideo frame-rateVideo heightVideo input chroma formatVideo input frame rateVideo input pinVideo output URLVideo output access methodVideo output moduleVideo output modulesVideo output muxerVideo output pinVideo padding (bottom)Video padding (left)Video padding (right)Video padding (top)Video pictures blendingVideo portVideo scalingVideo scaling filterVideo settingsVideo sizeVideo snapshot directory (or filename)Video snapshot file prefixVideo snapshot formatVideo titleVideo transformation filterVideo widthVideo4LinuxVideo4Linux inputVideo:VideoLAN WebsiteVietnameseViewVisualizationsVisualizerVisualizer filterVobsub subtitles parserVol #Vol max #VolumeVolume DownVolume SetVolume UpVolume downVolume normalizationVolume normalizerVolume upVolume: %d%%Vorbis audio decoderVorbis audio encoderVorbis audio packetizerVorbis commentVorbis is a free audio codec (useable with OGG)WAV demuxerWAV muxerWMV (Windows Media Video) 1 (useable with MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF and OGG)WMV (Windows Media Video) 2 (useable with MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF and OGG)WMV (Windows Media Video) 7 (useable with MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF and OGG)WMV (Windows Media Video) 8 (useable with MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF and OGG)WMV (Windows Media Video) 9 (useable with MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF and OGG)WMV1WMV2Wall video filterWallpaperWaveWeb InterfaceWelshWhen this is enabled, the interface is shown when you move the mouse to the edge of the screen in fullscreen mode.When this is enabled, the interface will show a dialog box each time some user input is required.When this is enabled, the preferences and/or interfaces will show all available options, including those that most users should never touch.When this mode is enabled, pixels will be shown as black or white. The threshold value will be the brighness defined below.When using the PVR input (or a very irregular source), you should set this to 10000.WhiteWidthWidth of the snapshot image.Win32 font rendererWin32 waveOut extension outputWinCE dialogs providerWinCE interface moduleWindowWindow decorationsWindow propertiesWindows GAPI video outputWindows GDI video outputWindows Media NSC metademuxWindows Service interfaceX Coordinate of the top-left corner of the mosaic.X Screensaver disablerX coordinateX coordinate of the logo. You can move the logo by left-clicking it.X offsetX offset, from the left screen edgeX offset, from the left screen edge.X11 displayX11 hardware display to use. By default, VLC will use the value of the DISPLAY environment variable.X11 hardware display to use. By default VLC will use the value of the DISPLAY environment variable.X11 video outputXA demuxerXML Parser (using libxml2)XML Shareable Playlist Format (XSPF)XOSD interfaceXSPF playlistXSPF playlist exportXSPF playlist importXVideo adaptor numberXVideo extension video outputXVimage chroma formatY Coordinate of the top-left corner of the mosaic.Y coordinateY coordinate of the logo. You can move the logo by left-clicking it.Y offsetY offset, down from the topY offset, down from the top.YellowYesYou can choose to disable some CPU accelerations here. You should probably not change these settings.You can completely disable the audio output. The audio decoding stage will not take place, thus saving some processing power.You can completely disable the sub-picture processing.You can enforce the image height. By default (-1) VLC will adapt to the video characteristics.You can enforce the image width. By default (-1) VLC will adapt to the video characteristics.You can enforce the video height. By default (-1) VLC will adapt to the video characteristics.You can enforce the video width. By default (-1) VLC will adapt to the video characteristics.You can force the audio output frequency here. Common values are -1 (default), 48000, 44100, 32000, 22050, 16000, 11025, 8000.You can manually select a language for the interface. The system language is auto-detected if "auto" is specified here.You can move the OSD menu by left-clicking on it.You can select "additional interfaces" for VLC. They will be launched in the background in addition to the default interface. Use a comma separated list of interface modules. (common values are "rc" (remote control), "http", "gestures" ...)You can select control interfaces for VLC.You can set the default audio output volume here, in a range from 0 to 1024.You can zoom the video by the specified factor.You must choose a file to save toYou must choose a streamYou must select two bookmarksZhuangZoomZoom videoZulu[cdda:][device][@[track]][vcd:][device][@[title][,[chapter]]]a52aRts audio outputalawallautobits/sbooleancbrcddax://[device-or-file][@[T]track]cifclean effectscollapsedefaultdvemail address reported to CDDB serverenableendexpandextended selection listfastfixedfloatftpfullhttphuffyuvintegerkHzkbits/slibc memcpylocalhostlocalhost.localdomainmain programmmsmonomp1vmp2vmp3mp4vmpgamulticastnononenormalntscoverlappalplay listplaylistprint a list of available modulesprint help for VLC (can be combined with --advanced)print help for VLC and all its modules (can be combined with --advanced)print help for the advanced optionsprint version informationqcifqsifreset the current config to the default valuesresets the current plugins cacherootrtprtp4save the current command line options in the configsec.secamselection listsifslowsoutstereostringtitletypeudpudp6ulawunicastunknown typeuse alternate config filevbrvcdx://[device-or-file][@{P,S,T}num]vgavideovorbwxWidgets dialogs providerwxWidgets interface moduleyesyes: %@ @ %@ kb/syes: from %@ to %@ secsProject-Id-Version: 0.8.4-test1-svn Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2007-01-03 19:37+0100 PO-Revision-Date: 2006-11-26 18:47+0700 Last-Translator: Wei Mingzhi Language-Team: Simplified Chinese MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit (WinCE 界面) 将内容写到 vlc-help.txt 文件. 按回车键继续... 警告: 如果您不能访问 GUI,打开一个命令行窗口,进入 VLC 的安装目录,并且运行 "vlc -I wx" (默认关闭) (默认打开) (wxWindows界面) 应用 取消 清除 保存 允许你定义要放入ASF批注中的"分级"%d Hz%d kb/s%i 项%i个项目在播放列表中%i个项目在播放列表中(%i未显示)播放列表中有 %i 个项目%s (编码输出)%s: 不合法的选项 -- %c %s: 不合法的选项 -- %c %s: 选项 `%c%s' 不允许任何参数 %s: 选项 `%s' 有歧义 %s: 选项 `%s' 需要一个参数 %s: 选项 `--%s' 不允许任何参数 %s: 选项 `-W %s' 不允许一个参数 %s: 选项 `-W %s' 是有歧义的 %s: 选项需要一个参数 -- %c %s: 不能识别的选项 `%c%s' %s: 不能识别的选项 `--%s' 增加 URL(&A)...音频(&A)书签(&B)取消(&C)清除(&C)关闭(&C)删除(&D)文件(&F)帮助(&H)管理(&M)讯息(&M)信息(&M)... Ctrl-M导航(&N)否(&N)确定(&O)打开播放列表(&O)...播放列表(&P) Ctrl-P偏好设置(&P)依标题反向排序(&R)保存(&S)储存播放列表(&S)...选择(&S)设置(&S)乱化(&S)增加文件(&S)...视频(&V)查看(&V)查看项目(&V)向导(W)... Ctrl-W是(&Y)(超级) VCD(c) 1996-2004 VideoLAN 开发小组(c) 1996-2006 - VideoLAN 开发小组 (无专辑)(无艺术家)(无标题)--- DVD 选单----- 标题00:00:001 (最低)播放列表中有 1 个项目100% 原始1:2 一半1:4 四分之一1:文件200%22 kHz 音调239.0.0.42240x1922:1 双倍320x2403D Now! memcpy3dfx Glide视频输出50%6 (最高)必须指定保存文件的目录。一个包含简单播放列表的文件一个视觉效果的清单,以逗号分隔。 当前的效果包括: dummy, scope, spectrumA/52音频封包器S/PDIF 之上的 A/52A/52解析器AAC 音频译码器(使用 libfaad2)ADPCM音频译码器AIFF 分离器ALSA装置名称ALSA音频输出ASCII 图片ASCII-art 视频输出ASFASF 复用器ASF 包大小 -- 默认为4096字节.ASF v1.0 分离器ASINRASINXYATSC A/52 (AC-3)音频译码器AU 分离器AVIAVI 索引AVI 分离器AVI 复用器关于关于 %s关于VLC多媒体播放程序关于...存取过滤器模块存取过滤器存取过滤器是允许 VLC 的在输入方面上的高级操作的特殊模块。除非您知道您在做什么,您不应该改变这里的设置。存取模块存取模块存取输出存取输出模块访问控制模块控制复用的串流的发送方式。此设置允许您总是强制一种特定的访问控制方式。您可能不应该这样做。 您也可以设置每个访问输出的默认参数。存取:用于这个连接的账户。启动活动窗口要调整的适配卡增加增加目录(&D)...增加文件夹至播放列表新增界面添加节点加入 WAVE 头部添加节点增加至播放列表附加调试这个选项允许你指定其它的 VLC 模块搜寻路径附加的串流选项附加的转码选项对峰宽度进行增减(像素)地址要使用的 CDDB 服务器的地址。输入要串流到的计算机地址地址:增加畸变效果调整 VLC 优先权高级高级信息高级选项...高级选项高级选项高级选项...高级选项高级设置,请小心设置。阿尔巴尼亚语专辑专辑/电影/节目标题全部所有文件 (*.*)|*|音频文件 (*.mp3, *.ogg, etc.)|所有项目(未排序)所有播放列表|*.pls;*.m3u;*.asx;*.b4s;*.xspf|M3U 文件|*.m3u|XSPF 播放列表|*.xspf只允许一个实例运行当从文件开始时, 只允许一个实例运行。允许实时优先权允许您修改用于认证此连接的密码。允许您修改用于认证此连接的用户名。允许您为一个输入指定一个“版权”元数据。允许您为一个输入指定一个“日期”元数据。允许您为一个输入指定一个“描述”元数据。允许您为一个输入指定一个“流派”元数据。允许您为一个输入指定一个“标题”元数据。允许您为一个输入指定一个“网址”元数据。允许您为一个输入指定一个“艺术家”元数据。允许您为一个输入指定一个“作者”元数据。Alt替代全屏幕方法另外, 您也可以使用下面的一个预定义的目标来生成一个 MRL:AntiVec 转换来自AltiVec memcpy永远固定永远在最上层永远让视频窗口显示在其它窗口之上总是写到相同的文件美式英语放大率通告频道:用SAP通告这个会话天线添加追加到现有文件追加到文件如果文件已经存在的话,追加到它后面而不是替换它。应用程序应用应用动画效果应用动画效果。它只能被 "gradient" 和 "edge" 使用。浅绿色阿拉伯语区域艺术家艺术家元数据询问纵横比纵横比纵横比 (4:3, 16:9).图像文件的纵横比 (4:3, 16:9)。默认为方块像素。纵横比: %s纵横比对 PMT 分配一个固定的 PID对 SPU 分配一个固定的 PID。为音频流分配一个固定的 PID。分配一个固下的传输流 ID。音频音频位率:音频 CD音频 CD - 轨音频 CD - 轨 %i音乐 CD 设备音频 CD 输入音频频道若有多个音频输入时,选择音频道音频音频编码器:音乐CD音频装置音频PID音频轨音频位掩码音频位率音频频道音频编码器音频编码器减少音频延迟增加音频延迟音频异步校正音频装置名称音频编码器PCM 格式转换的音频过滤器音频滤波器音频过滤器可以用于对音频流进行善后处理。音频输入端音频语言音频输出 URL音频输出存取方式音频输出频道模式音频输出频率(Hz)音频输出模块音频输出复用器音频输出 pin已储存的音频输出音量输出音量步长音频端口音频采样率音频设置音轨音轨 ID音轨: %s音频视觉效果音频视觉效果音频音量 (0-65535).音频:作者作者元数据要放入 ASF 批注中的作者.作者: the VideoLAN Team, http://www.videolan.org/team/自动自动重新连接自动开始自动侦测字幕档自动检测 MTU自动自动黑边修整。自动修整如果不指定字幕文件名称,就自动地侦测字幕文件自动预解释文件自动播放所选择的文件平均比特率容忍度B 帧I 帧和 P 帧之间的 B 帧的数目B4S 播放列表导入返回背景背景分辨率频带分离器频带增益基本像素半径基于 SVN 版本:基于 svn 修改集[%s] 安静BeOS标准API接口注意: 这将复位您的 VLC media player 设置。 是否确定要继续?双线性位率比特率比特率容忍度:要使用的比特率模式 (VBR 或 CBR)。位率模式)比特率峰值要使用的位率 (-1 为使用默认值)。比特每采样黑色全屏中黑屏混合蓝色蓝屏蓝屏 U 容忍度蓝屏 U 值蓝屏 V 容忍度蓝屏 V 值模糊化因数 (1-127)模糊BonjourBonjour 服务书签书签 %i书签书签对话框串流书签清单边界高度边界遮掩边界宽度两个底部左下右下巴西葡萄牙语桥接桥接入桥接出桥接串流输出亮度视频输入亮度.亮度阈值全部提到最前面英式英语广播浏览...预算模式保加利亚文按类别字节C不起作用的C模块CBR编码要使用的 CD-ROM 设备CD-Text 排列器CD-Text 作曲CD-Text 光盘 IDCD-Text 流派CD-Text 信息CD-Text 演唱者CD-Text 作者CD-Text 标题CDDBCDDB 艺术家CDDB 分类CDDB 唱片 IDCDDB 扩展数据CDDB 流派CDDB 服务器要使用的 CDDB 服务器端口CDDB 标题CDDB 年份CDDB 查找CDDB 服务器端口CDDB服务器CDDB 服务器端口CDDB服务器逾时CDDB服务器用这个端口来通信CPUCPU 特性CPU 优化CRL 文件CSA 密钥CSA ck定义 CSA 加密密钥。这个必须是一个 16 字符的字符串 (8 个十六进制字节)。CVD字幕译码器缆线缓存 CDDB 查找?缓存大小 (影像数量)缓存缓存值 (毫秒)CDDA 串流的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。DV 串流的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。DVB 串流的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。DVD 的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。DirectShow 串流的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。FTP 串流的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。GnomeVFS 串流的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。HTTP 串流的默认的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。MMS 串流的默认的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。RTSP 串流的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。SMB 串流的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。TCP 串流的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。UDP 串流的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。V4L 串流的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。VCD 的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。假串流的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。文件的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。屏幕捕捉的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。缓存值 (毫秒)缓存值 (毫秒)摄像机无法储存取消加泰罗尼亚语居中证书文件变更默认缓存值(ms)更改服务显示名称。频道频道名称频道名称频道:频道Chaoji VCD字幕封包器章节章节 %i章节编码器字符集检查 TLS/SSL 服务器证书有效性在证书中检查 TLS/SSL 服务器主机名检查更新...检查更新检查更新...检查更新正在检查更新...中文繁体中文选择选择目录选择文件在这选择你的输入串流选择输出选择你所偏好的视频输出模块并设置选择...色度动作估计中的色度彩度模块设置Cinepak视频译码器古典清除清除菜单客户端端口时钟参考平均计数器时钟同步复制复制视频过滤器关闭关闭窗口编码器编码器描述编码器名称收集杂项统计。收集统计信息色彩彩色 ASCII 图片视频输出色彩反向色彩化讯息视频输入色彩.在 xosd 输出中显示文字时所使用的字体颜色活动窗口列表, 以逗号分开, 默认为全部命令UDP 指令端口批注放入 ASF 注释中的注释。CD 数字音频 (CD-DA) 输入编译者 编译者: %s由 %s 编译, 基于 SVN 版本 %s由 %s 在 %s.%s 编译 编译器: 编译器: %s 组态上一次使用的面板设置文件OSD 菜单的设置文件配置选项配置控制台使用HTTP协议连接CDDB联系此 CDDB 服务器来查找 CD-DA 信息继续连续流对比视频输入对比度.控制SAP流量控制界面控制器转换来自复制复制封包器版权版权元数据允许你定义要放入ASF批注中的版权.正确的纵横比无法找到一个以前的崩溃跟踪信息。无法找到 pixmap 文件: %s建立"快速开始"文件建立数个影像复制建立数个视频输出窗口的复制建立 AVI 索引 ...克罗地亚文修整全屏模式中修整边界修剪几何图形 (像素)在视频底部修剪一个像素在视频左侧修剪一个像素从视频右侧修剪一个像素在视频顶部修剪一个像素修整视频过滤器修整: %s修整图像的一个自定义的部分。加密音频用 CSA 加密音频加密视频用 CSA 加密视频Ctrl立方体自定义纵横比列表自定义修整比率列表自定义: 剪切循环音轨循环解除交错模块循环源纵横比循环字幕轨循环一个修整格式的预定义的列表。循环一个源纵横比的预定义的列表。循环解除交错模块。循环可用音轨 (语言)循环可用字幕轨循环视频修整圆柱捷克语删除(&D)DAAP存取DAAP 共享DTS 音频封包器DTS 延迟DTS 解析器DV (数字视频) 分离器DVB带有 v4l2 支持的 DVB 输入DVB 播放列表导入DVB 字幕译码器DVB 字幕编码器DVDDVD (选单)DVD 角度DVD装置要使用的 DVD 设备DVD字幕译码器DVD字幕封包器带有菜单的 DVD没有菜单的 DVDDVDRead 输入 (无菜单支持的 DVD)DVDnav输入舞曲丹麦语数据对齐日期日期元数据调试记录调试掩码已解码的帧译码器解码解码 X 坐标解码 Y 坐标默认默认 DVD 角度。默认 IPv6 多播输出接口。这个将覆盖路由表。默认 TCP 连接超时时间 (以毫秒为单位)默认音量音频 CD 的默认缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。PVR 串流的默认的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。外界 UDP 串流的默认的缓存值。这个值是以毫秒为单位的。默认设备默认串流默认串流输出链默认设置播放列表书签。定义串流的一些附加的参数.定义转码的一些附加的参数。以像素为单位定义半径大小解除交错在本地播放中使用的解除交错的方式。在串流时所使用的解除交错模式。解除交错模式解除交错模块: %s解除交错模块要使用的解除交错模块加载图像后对其进行解除交错。在编码前对视频解除交错。解除交错视频解除交错:解除交错视频过滤器延迟删除解多任务模块已分离的分离器分离器可以用来分离音频和视频串流描述描述文件描述元数据描述串流输出目标目的音频编码器目的字幕编码器目的视频编码器决定有多少部分的光谱将存在选择输入串流的传送方式.设备装置名称适配卡设备号设备属性装置在这里可以设置 Dialog providersDialog providers 设置数字视频 (无线/ieee1394) 输入Dirac 视频译码器Dirac 视频编码器直接 MV 预测模式直接 MV 预测模式。直接预测大小DirectFB 视频输出 http://www.directfb.orgDirectMedia 对象译码器DirectMedia 对象编码器DirectShowDirectShow输入DirectX音频输出DirectX 设备编号: 0 为默认设备,1-N 为设备编号 (注: 默认设备似乎是 0 和另一个数字)。DirectX视频输出目录缓存 CDDB 请求的目录录制的存放目录。允许你指定视频快照的存放目录关闭关闭屏幕保护程序在播放视频时关闭屏幕保护程序光盘光盘类型丢弃迪士科取消显示在屏幕底部显示 xosd 输出,而不是顶部如可用,显示 feed 图像。服务显示名称显示分辨率显示串流输出本地显示串流显示视频快照预览串流时显示已显示的帧扭曲模式扭曲模式, 可以为 "wave", "ripple", "gradient", "edge", "hough" and "psychedelic" 其中之一。扭曲视频过滤器畸变DivX 第一版 (MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF 和 OGG 可用)DivX 第二版 (MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF 和 OGG 可用)DivX 第三版 (MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF 和 OGG 可用)使用 CD-Text 查找?不再显示以后的错误不要开启DOS指令窗口接口杜比环绕杜比环绕解码器将用于连接的域/工作组。不显示更多的错误双倍大小现在下载拖动文件以播放丢弃晚的帧双单声道虚拟接口虚拟S/PDIF音频混音器虚拟视频输出虚拟存取功能虚拟音频输出功能虚拟编码器 (不转码, 可与所有的封装格式一起使用)虚拟译码器虚拟译码器功能虚拟解多任务功能虚拟编码器功能虚拟影像彩度格式虚拟接口功能虚拟视频输出功能Dummy/Raw 复用器倾倒Dump 文件名双工串流输出长度长度(毫秒)荷兰语退出(&X) Ctrl-X边缘编辑编辑书签编译一个书签的属性效果效果清单元素外观率个体流输出元素顺序在界面中嵌入视频嵌入式嵌入播放列表嵌入视频输出无项目空文件夹启动是否启用 CD 偏执狂?启用 CPU 3D Now! 支持启用 CPU AltiVec 支持启用 CPU MMX EXT 支持启用 CPU MMX 支持启用 CPU SSE 支持启用 CPU SSE2 支持启用 FPU 支持启动 SPU 串流输出打开音频启动音频串流输出打开频带启用基准启用调试如果您的线缆很长的话,启动高电压。这将不被所有的前端接受。打开 megabass 模式启用噪声消除算法打开原始图形频谱打开峰值打开反响打开串流所有 ES启用子画面打开均衡器。你可以手动配置频带或者使用一个预定值。打开均衡器. 你可以手动配置频带或者使用一个预定值 (音频菜单->均衡器).启用透明效果启动视频启动视频串流输出打开壁纸模式启用/禁用音频渲染。启用/禁用视频渲染。启用封装格式封装方法封装格式编码器设置编码编码 X 坐标编码 Y 坐标编码质量英语输入要串流的计算机地址输入要串流到的多播地址。这必须是一个在 和 之间的 IP 地址。如果要内部使用,输入一个以 239.255 开头的 IP 地址。输入要串流到的多播地址。这必须是一个在 和 之间的 IP 地址。如果要内部使用,输入一个以 239.255 开头的 IP 地址。项项均衡器均衡器预设错误错误EsounD音频输出Esound 服务器世界语存在的播放列表项目展开结点试验性的已恢复的 TLS 会话的过期时间以文件形式导出SDP扩展用户界面(&G)扩展控制扩展图形界面扩展 M3U延伸控制额外界面模块提取ffmpeg 音频/视频编码器ffmpeg 彩度转换ffmpeg 修整填补过滤器ffmpeg 解除交错视频过滤器FFmpeg 分离器FFmpeg 复用器ffmpeg 视频过滤器FLAC 分离器FLAC是一个低失真的音频编码器FPSFTP 账户FTP 输入FTP 密码FTP 用户名伪伪 TTY假输入伪视频译码器快速向前快速双线性加快Feed URLFeed 图像文件文件格式:文件音频输出文件 dumpper文件输入文件记录文件串流输出文件:文件浏览器起始位置文件名称您想使用的字体文件的文件名文件名称前缀文件过滤器完成芬兰语第一个入口点首次播放缩放至屏幕固定 HDTV 高度固定量化器刻度设定使用的量化尺寸固定 AVI 索引Flac音频译码器Flac音频编码器Flac音频封包器水平翻转反转竖直位置垂直翻转悬浮在最顶端Float32音频混音器字体字体效果字型设置字号字体大小 (像素)字体大小,以像素为单位。默认值为 -1 (使用默认字体大小)。字号在 xosd 输出中显示文字时所使用的字体强制使用 IPv4强制使用 IPv6强制检测杜比环绕强制插入纸方法强制使用单声道强制字幕位置强制 Directshow 视频输出使用一个特定的帧率 (0代表默认, 25, 29.97, 50, 59.94等等)强制 XVideo 渲染器使用一个特定的色度格式,而不是试图使用最有效的格式来增强性能。设置输出影像格式 (png 获 jpg)。当没有 CDDB 时,播放列表“标题”列所使用的格式格式化字幕向前帧率Framebuffer 设备您可以在此指定渲染时所使用的 framebuffer 设备。(通常为 /dev/fb0)帧率每秒帧数帧每秒Freetype2 字体渲染器法语频率 1 (Hz)频率 1 Q频率 1 增益 (Db)频率 2 (Hz)频率 2 Q频率 2 增益 (Db)频率 3 (Hz)频率 3 Q频率 3 增益 (Db)频率频率:从紫红色文件完整路径, 以逗号分隔全屏幕全屏幕视频输出GNU/Linux 控制台 framebuffer 视频输出GOP 大小GaLaktos视觉效果外挂加利西亚语集合流输出高斯一般一般音频设置一般输入设置,请注意。一般界面设置一般播放列表行为一般串流输出设置一般视频设置流派流派元数据乔治亚语德语获取串流信息全域增益GnomeVFS 输入GnuTLS TLS 加密层在浏览历史中后退在浏览历史中前进前往章节前往标题转到DVD选单Goom动画速度Goom显示高度Goom显示宽度Goom效果灰度灰度图像类型灰度图像类型 (0 或 1)。0 会将图像转换为白色,1 将保持颜色。灰色灰度视频输出现代希腊语绿色群组群组名称Growl 通知插件Growl UDP 端口Growl 服务器使用的端口。Growl 密码服务器上的 Growl 密码。Growl 服务器Gtk+ GUI 辅助器H.264 等级H.264 视频封包器H263H263是为视频会议优化的视频编解码(低速率, MPEG TS可用)H264是一个新的视频编码器H264是一个新的视频编码器H264 视频分离器HAL AudioUnit 输出HAL 设备检测HD1000视频输出HTTPHTTP ACLHTTP 主机地址HTTP SSLHTTP通告HTTP输入HTTP 密码HTTP 代理HTTP 服务器HTTP 串流输出HTTP 隧道端口HTTP 用户代理HTTP 用户名HTTP(S)HTTP/FTP/MMS/RTSP一半大小耳机效果耳机虚拟空间化效果耳机虚拟化希伯来语高度设置快照影像的高度触发界面的区域高度帮助说明选项隐藏其它隐藏VLC隐藏接口高 LNB 电压高频 (Hz)高频增益 (Db)高优先级高质量音频采样印地文历史参数Hop 限制 (TTL)主机地址热键热键热键管理接口热键设置霍夫在读取 CD 时每次读多少块。通常在较新/较快的 CD 中,此项将会减少 CD 读取的次数。SCSI-MMC 限制通常不允许每次读取 25 块以上。色调视频输入色调.刚果语快速Hz/sI420,IYUV,YV12 到 RGB2,RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 的转换IDID 偏移量ID3 标签解释器IPv4 SAP默认 IPv4 多播输出接口。这个重写了路由表。IPv4 多播输出接口地址对所有的连接默认使用 IPv4。IPv6 SAPIPv6 SAP 范围IPv6 多播输出接口对所有的连接默认使用 IPv6。ISO-9660 应用程序 IDISO-9660 准备者ISO-9660 发行商ISO-9660 卷ISO-9660 卷系列IVTV MPEG 压缩卡输入IceCAST 输出冰岛语如非零,将会给出附加调试信息。如果选中, 则缓存关于此 CD 的 CDDB 信息如果选中, 则获取 CD-Text 信息如果选中, 则使用 CDDB 协议来查找 CD-DA 轨道信息如果文件已经存在,它将不会被覆盖。如果您的显卡提供多个适配器,此选项可以允许您选择使用哪一个。(您应该不必更改此项)。如果您的显卡提供多个适配器,此选项可以允许您选择使用哪一个。(您应该不必更改此项)。如果你的处理器有一个浮点处理器,VLC 可以利用它。如果你的处理器支持 3D Now! 指令集,VLC 可以利用它。如果你的处理器支持 AltiVec 指令集,VLC 可以利用它。如果你的处理器支持 MMX EXT 指令集,VLC 可以利用它。如果你的处理器支持 MMX 指令集,VLC 可以利用它。如果你的处理器支持 SSE 指令集,VLC 可以利用它。如果你的处理器支持 SSE2 指令集,VLC 可以利用它。忽略的扩展影像调整影像调整影像亮度(0-2)影像复制影像对比(0-2)图像获取图像文件影像格式影像反差系数(0-10)图像高度影像色调(0-360)图像翻转图像属性过滤器影像饱和度(0-3)影像视频输出图片墙图像宽度以伏特为单位 [0, 13=纵向, 18=横向]。在多显示器的配置中,您可以指定您要视频窗口显示在哪个显示器中 (使用Windows 设备名)。例如,"\\.\DISPLAY1" or "\\.\DISPLAY2".在全屏模式中,保持没有视频播放的屏幕区域为黑色在这一页,你可以为串流定义一些附加的参数。在这一页,你可以为转码定义一些附加的参数。在这里您可以强制字幕分离器的行为, 例如设置字幕类型及文件名。提高程序优先权索引每个图像显示时间,0 - 60000 毫秒。印尼文影响 B-帧使用信息信息红外线遥控接口初始 VBV 缓冲占有量要执行的初始命令输入输入 / 编码器输入比特率输入已改变输入已改变输入清单输入重复从输入(试验性的)输入流安装Windows服务安装服务并退出。界面界面互动界面模块交错编码交错模式关键帧之间的间隔 (-1 为自动检测)。无效的选择反转模式反转模式 [0=关, 1=开, 2=自动]反向视频过滤器反转图像颜色爱尔兰语您可以关闭实时源的时钟同步。意大利语JACK 音频输出日语爵士合成立体声跳转长度保持纵横比保持原始大小持续开启串流输出保持马赛克元素的原始大小。密钥关键帧间隔关键帧间隔:韩国语LIDLNB 电压语言设置你想使用的音频轨道的语言 (以逗号分隔, 两个或三个字母的国家代码)。设置你想使用的字幕轨道的语言 (以逗号分隔, 两个或三个字母的国家代码)。老挝文大更大最后一个入口点拉丁文左LibNotifyl 通知插件libtwolame 音频编码器授权柠檬色线性线性PCM音频译码器线性PCM音频封包器Linux OSS音频输出列表 ID以冒号分隔的大小列表 (720x576:480x576).在标准地址上监听 IPv4 通告.在标准地址上监听 IPv6 通告监听者读取读取设置文件读取字幕档:当自动侦测字幕文件无效的时候,加载这个字幕文件本地播放记录所有的 VLC 信息到一个文本文件。记录所有的 VLC 信息到 sysloc (UNIX 系统)。记录文件文件名记录格式记录到文件记录到 syslog记录登录Logo 循环的动画编号Logo 文件名Logo 每个图像的时间 (毫秒)Logo 覆盖Logo位置Logo 子过滤器Logo 的透明度值 (0 为全透明,255 为不透明)。Logo 视频过滤器向后跳一大段向前跳一大段长跳长度跳一大段的长度,以秒为单位。循环丢失的缓冲区丢失帧低频 (Hz)低频增益 (Db)低分辨率译码将界面下降到其它所有窗口下面。M-JPEG 摄像机分离器M3U文件M3U 文件|*.m3u|XSPF 播放列表|*.xspfM3U 列表导出器M3U播放列表汇入服务器返回的 MIME (如未指定,则为自动检测)。MJPEGMJPEG:MMSHMMX EXT memcpyMMX I420,IYUV,YV12 到 RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 的会话MMX 转换来自MMX memcpyMOD 分离器 (libmodplug)MOVMP4MP4 串流分离器MP4/MOV 复用器MP4A LATMMPEG 1 格式MPEG Audio Layer 3 (可与 MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF, OGG 及 RAW 一起使用)MPEG I/II视频译码器(使用 libmpeg2)MPEG 节目流MPEG 传送流MPEG 转码串流分离器MPEG-4 音频 / MP3 分离器MPEG音频译码器MPEG audio layer I/II/III decoder 译码器MPEG-1 视频编码 (MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, OGG 和 RAW可用)MPEG-1 视频编码器 (可与 MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, OGG 和 RAW 一起使用)MPEG-2 视频编码 (MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, OGG 和 RAW可用)MPEG-2 视频编码器 (可与 MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, OGG 和 RAW 一起使用)MPEG-4 视频编码 (MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG PS, MPEG1, ASF, MP4, OGG 和 RAW可用)MPEG-4 视频编码器 (可与 MPEG PS, MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF, OGG 和 RAW 一起使用)MPEG-4 音频分离器MPEG-4 视频分离器MPEG-I/II 视频分离器MPEG-I/II视频封包器MPEG-PS 分离器MPEG1MPEG2 视频切换器串流输出MPEG2 视频位率转换串流输出MPEG4音频封包器MPEG4视频封包器MRLMRL:MSN 正在播放MSN 标题格式字符串输出模式的 MTU输出模式的 MTU。网络接口的MTUMac OS X 界面放大部分影像放大镜放大/缩放交互视频过滤器主界面捐助 VideoLAN马来西亚文手动增加毛利文栗色字幕显示滚动字幕字幕位置要显示的滚动字幕文字Matroska 串流分离器Matrox 图像阵列视频显示最大长度最大等级最大本地位率最大的 B (不推荐使用)GOP 最大尺寸最大比特率最大化编码位率最大等级屏幕上显示的最大字符数。最大连接数目最大输出视频高度最大输出视频宽度最大视频高度最大视频量化规模最大视频宽度媒体信息(&I)媒体分类号(MCN)多媒体来源定位器(MRL)媒体倾倒访问过滤器触发。媒体: %s向后跳一中段向前跳一中段跳一中段的长度跳一中段的长度,以秒为单位。Mega bass 等级内存复制模块选单菜单位置菜单超时时间菜单更新间隔信息元信息元信息libdvdcss 解密的方式Microsoft Media Server (MMS)输入中间MimeMIME 类型最小界面最小化窗口最小线程数量最小的 B (不推荐使用)最小 GOP 大小最小化编码位率最小视频量化规模杂项杂项模块及音频杂项设置关于 OSD,字幕和覆盖的子图的一些杂项杂项着重测试模式调变类型模块搜寻路径蒙古文监视器像素纵横比单声道更多信息更多信息更多信息马赛克马赛克对齐Mosaic bridge 串流输出马赛克视频过滤器动作模糊化动作模糊化过滤器动作检测动作检测视频过滤器动作遮掩鼠标手势多部分 jpeg 复用器MusePack 分离器静音静音多任务模块复用器复用器:Muxers复用器建立将所有的串流元素 (音频、视频等等) 放在一起的封装格式。此设置允许您总是强制使用一种特定的复用器。您可能不应该这样做。 您也可以对每种复用器设定默认值。混合应用程序不可用NET IDNT 服务NTSC名称所要使用的显示设备默认的音频设备,如果你不指定,则没有设备将会被使用。默认的视频设备,如果你不指定,则没有设备将会被使用。向下导览向左导览向右导览向上导览导航藏青色Ncurses界面网络网络同步网络设置网络同步化网络:从不修复新广播新节点下一项下一个标题下一个章节下一个播放列表项目下一个标题下一轨否没有发现 %@s没有发现当机纪录没有文件被选中没有文件夹被选中尚无可用的帮助文件没有输入没有输入没有找到输入。要使书签有效,必须有一个串流正在被播放或处于暂停状态。没有输入播放列表中没有项目没有合法的目标噪声消除无规范规范:正常正常值挪威文通告正在播放NullSoft 分离器在两个参考帧之间将会被编码的 B 帧数。每次读取的 CD 块数。两个 I 帧之间的 P 帧的数目音频缓冲器数量频带数量用于频谱分析器的频带数量,应为 20 或 80。用于 spectrOmeter 的频带数量,应为 20 到 80频带间的空白像素数量每次读取 CD 的块数复制数量列数I 帧 和 P 帧 之间的连贯的 B 帧的数目 (1 到 16)。每秒的帧数 (例如 24, 25, 29.97, 30)。将会被为一个关键帧编码的帧数。选择分割视频的横向视频窗口的数目在马赛克中的列数 (只在定位方式被设为“固定”时使用)。在马赛克中的行数 (只在定位方式被设为“固定”时使用)。输出频道数量参考帧的数目已恢复的 TLS 会话的数量行数星星的数目设定随机效果中的星星的数目线程数量转码时要使用的线程数量。相同的输入将要被重复的时间选择分割视频的纵向视频窗口的数目选择复制视频的窗口的数目。Nuv 分离器OGGOGG 分离器确定OSD 菜单OSS DSP装置关Ogg/ogm 复用器旧的列表导出器橄榄色开画面上显示(OSD)画面上显示 (OSD)在 Windows 9x/Me 上您可以使用一种快速但不准确的环境变量实现 (更准确地说,有可能发生竞争)。但是您也可以使用慢一些但更稳定的方式。现在您可以选择实现 0 (快速但不准确),1 (默认) 以及 2。当从文件开始时只允许一个实例'90', '180', '270', 'hflip' 和 'vflip' 中的一个在线文件在线论坛不透明不透明度打开打开获取装置(&C)打开光盘(&D)打开光盘(&D)... Ctrl-D打开文件(&F)打开文件(&F)... Ctrl-F打开网络串流(&N)打开网络串流(&N)... Ctrl-N打开获取设备(&A)... Ctrl-A开启崩溃纪录打开目录(&I)...打开目录(&E)... Ctrl-E打开光盘打开光盘...打开文件打开文件...开启讯息窗口打开网络...打开最近的文件打开来源打开字幕开启VIDEO_TS目录打开面板文件打开文件打开播放列表打开面板...打开字幕文件打开...打开:OpenGL 立方体旋转速度OpenGL 取样准确度OpenGL视频输出OpenGL(GLX) 提供者选项选项:其它其它高级设置其它编码器大纲输出输出 URL输出存取方式设置所希望的快照图像的色度 (一个 4 个字符的字符串, 例如 "RV32")。输出目的地输出装置输出文件输出格式输出模块输出复用器输出视频高度。输出视频宽度。输出重叠视频输出覆盖覆盖/字幕覆盖参数拥有者PALPCR延迟(ms)PDA Linux Gtk2+ 界面PES 最大尺寸PLS播放列表汇入PMT PIDPMT 程序数量PNG视频译码器PORTAUDIO音频输出PSPS 复用器PVA 分离器PVRPVR 收音机模式PVR 视频设备封包大小要加密的包的 大小封包器模块设置封包器封包器被用于在复用处理之前对基本串流进行“预处理”。此设置允许您总是强制使用一种封包器。您可能不应该这样做。 您也可以设置每个封包器的默认参数。参数均衡器部分提取密码用于这个连接的密码。将被用于连接到 SOCKS 代理服务器的密码。粘贴路径OSD 菜单图片的路径OSD 菜单图片的路径。这将覆盖在 OSD 设置文件中定义的路径。要使用的皮肤文件完整路径暂停仅暂停暂停VBR 模式中的比特率峰值。额外峰宽度峰值高度性能选项权限Philips OGT (SVCD字幕)译码器Philips OGT(SVCD字幕)封包器播放播放和停止快速播放永远随机播放文件本地播放串流时在本地播放该串流。仅播放播放播放列表书签 1播放播放列表书签 10播放播放列表书签 2播放播放列表书签 3播放播放列表书签 4播放播放列表书签 5播放播放列表书签 6播放播放列表书签 7播放播放列表书签 8播放播放列表书签 9慢速播放播放该分支播放/暂停回放回放控制已播放的缓冲区正在播放播放列表播放列表书签 1播放列表书签 10播放列表书签 2播放列表书签 3播放列表书签 4播放列表书签 5播放列表书签 6播放列表书签 7播放列表书签 8播放列表书签 9播放列表是空的播放列表项目信息播放列表着重测试播放列表视图请输入一个地址请输入节点编号请提供下列参数中的一个:插件PodcastPodcast 作者Podcast 分类Podcast 版权Podcast 长度Podcast 信息Podcast 关键词Podcast 连接Podcast 出版目期Podcast 大小Podcast 子类别Podcast 字幕Podcast 摘要Podcast 类别Podcast URLs 列表Podcast 解释器Podcast波兰文流行端口端口:葡萄牙文位置定位模式马赛克的定位方式。自动: 自动选择最好的行数和列数。固定: 使用用户定义的行数和列数。后处理后处理质量动作前估计预放大预放大 12.0dB个人设置选项(&S)... Ctrl-S设置偏好设置...偏好的解码器清单偏好的编码器清单偏好的封包器清单设置文件名称的前缀。输出的文件名将会是 "前缀 数字.格式" 的形式。预读取目录准备者预解释用于均衡器的预设。按菜单选择或暂停可继续上一个标题阻止音频输出超过设定值.阻止音频输出超过设定值.上一项上一个章节前一个播放列表项目上一个标题上一轨私钥文件探测 DVB 卡能力程序程序协议发行商纯交错模式。紫色QNX RTOS视频及音频输出QT Embedded 显示QT Embedded 视频输出Qt Embedded界面帮助指定您所要使用的 Qt Embedded 硬件显示。默认状态下 VLC 将会使用 DISPLAY 环境变量的值。品质质量等级编码质量,介于 1.0 (低) 到 10.0 (高) 之间串流质量。基于质量的 VBR品质:量化尺寸Quartz 视频快速打开文件(&O)快速打开文件... Ctrl-O快速打开文件...QuickTime函式库译码器安静模式安静模式。静音同步离开退出VLCR&BRCRRD 输出文件RSS 及 Atom feed 显示RTPRTP 多播RTP单播RTP串流输出live.com (RTSP/RTP/SDP) 分离器RTSP VoDRTSP VoD 服务器RTSP通告RTSP 主机地址RTSP 密码RTSP 用户名RTSP/RTP 存取及分离器RV32 转换过滤器收音机设备OpenGL 圆柱效果的半径, 如果启用将界面提升到其它所有窗口上面。随机关闭随机播放开启随机播放随机评分设定要被录制的图像的比率。3 即表示三个图像中有一个被录制。Raw A/52 分离器Raw 写入当 VLM 启动时,读取一个 VLM 配置文件。在媒体中读取读我...Real RTSPReal 分离器RealAudio 函式库译码器录制记录存取过滤器开始/停止录制目录录制比率红色刷新清单刷新时间相对字号记住向导选项摇控界面遥控界面已初始化,打 'help' 显示帮助信息移除移除全部删除关于那个串流的所有书签删除选定的书签重复播放全部关闭重复播放重复一次重复播放全部重复播放目前项目错误回报全部重置重设偏好设置自动缩放 VLC 以与视频分辨率匹配分辨率恢复默认值反响等级 (0-100,默认为0)反转立体声回卷右波纹摇滚摇滚罗马尼亚语根 CA 文件旋转180度旋转270度旋转90度旋转或翻转影像OpenGL cube 效果的转动速度,如果打开的话。使用常驻程序执行作为单独的 Qt/Embedded GUI 服务器运行.使用背景常驻程序执行VLC俄语排序(&S)SAPSAP 通告SAP 通告:SAP 通告SAP 严格模式SAP通告SAP 通告间隔SAP 通告SAP 是一种可公开通告正在通过多播 UDP 或 RTP 来发送的串流的方式。SAP 多播地址SAP 超时SDL_image 视频译码器SDPSDP URLUDP的SDP文件解析器SECAMSINERSINEXYSLP 通告:SMB 域SMB输入SMB 密码SMB 用户名SOCKS密码要使用的 SOCKS 代理服务器。这必须以 地址:端口 的形式。它将被用于所有的 TCP 连接。SOCKS服务器SOCKS使用者名称SPU PIDSQUARERSQUAREXYSSIM 计算SVCD字幕AVG暂存档SVGAlib视频输出采样率目标采样率(1:1, 3:4, 2:3)采样率采样率采样率:储存另存为(&A)...保存设置文件储存文件信息另存为...储存播放列表储存播放列表...储存文件保存文件到保存文件...保存播放列表储存空白编码器数据保存到文件用此项可以将串流保存到一个文件。您有可能会重新编码串流。您可以保存任何 VLC 可以读取的东西。 请注意,VLC 可能不是很适合于文件到文件的转码。您应该使用它的转码功能来保存一些其它的东西,诸如网络流。尺寸缩放模式要使用的缩放模式示波器设置 IPv6 通告的范围 (默认是 8)。画面画面输入用于全屏幕模式的屏幕。选择您所要在全屏模式下所使用的屏幕。例如,将它设为 0 可以使用第一个屏幕,1 为第二个。搜索搜索播放列表段段文件名段选择选择 "高级选项" 查看所有选项。全选取消选择选择一个目录选择文件选择串流选择所有的基本串流选择下一个 DVD 章节选择下一个DVD章节选择上一个 DVD 章节选择上一个DVD章节选择面板设置 3D 对象取样的准确度 (1 为最小,10 为最大)选择音频输入源。请参看“视频输入”选项。选择音频输出类型。参看“视频输入”选项。请选择您所要的模块。如果要得到更高级的控制,您也可以自己修改所得到的“chain”。选择目录以保存到选择文件以保存到选择热键以显示位置选择向后跳一大段的热键选择向前跳一大段的热键选择向后跳一中段的热键选择向前跳一中段的热键选择向后跳一小段的热键选择向前跳一小段的热键选择向后跳一很小的段的热键选择向前跳一很小的段的热键选择热键以离开应用程序选择热键以停止回放选择热键以快速回放选择热键以慢速回放选择热键以暂停选择热键以播放选择热键以播放列表中的下一个项目选择热键以播放列表中的上一个项目选择热键以切换全屏幕状态选择热键以切换暂停状态选择热键以启动所选择的DVD选单项目选择 DVD 中的下一个章节的热键选择下一个 DVD 标题的按键选择 DVD 中的上一个章节的热键选择播放列表中的上一个项目的热键选择按键以减低音量选择按键以减少音频延迟选择按键以减少字幕延迟选择在浏览历史中后退 (到上一个媒体项目) 的按键。选择在浏览历史中前进 (到下一个媒体项目) 的按键。选择按键以增加音量选择按键以增加音频延迟选择按键以增加字幕延迟选择按键以向下移动DVD选单中的选择器选择按键以向左移动DVD选单中的选择器选择按键以向右移动DVD选单中的选择器选择按键以向上移动DVD选单中的选择器选择暂停的热键。选择按键以播放该书签选择按键以设置该播放列表书签选择转到 DVD 选单的按键选择在此限制下的最大比特率的串流。选择目标音频编码器,点击以显示更多信息。选择目标视频编码器,点击以显示更多信息。选择调谐器的输入类型 (有线/天线)。选择视频输出类型。参看“视频输入”选项。选择你的音频编码器,点击以显示更多信息选择你的视频编码器,点击以显示更多信息发送率已发送的字节已发送的包服务服务探索服务探索服务探索模块自动将项目添加到播放列表的服务探索模块及设备。部分会话通告(SAP)会话 URL部分描述会话 E-mail会话组名部分名称将 PID 设为 ES 的 ID设置 ffmpeg 调试掩码为 PID 设置 ES 的标识。设置播放列表书签 1设置播放列表书签 10设置播放列表书签 2设置播放列表书签 3设置播放列表书签 4设置播放列表书签 5设置播放列表书签 6设置播放列表书签 7设置播放列表书签 8设置播放列表书签 9设置字幕延迟(1/10秒)设置文字字幕编码设置要修剪的区域的几何图形。此项应以 <宽度> x <高度> + <左偏移值> + <右偏移值> 的形式来设置。以分贝(dB)设置全域增益 (-20 ... 20)设置影像的亮度,介于0和2之间,默认值为1设置影像的对比,介于0和2之间,默认值为1设置影像的反差系数,介于0.01和10之间,默认值为1设置影像的色调,介于0和360之间,默认值为0设置影像的饱和度,介于0和3之间,默认值为1设置字幕对齐这个选项设置当 MPEG PS 流产生时, 所允许的 PES 的最大值设置调谐器建立当前频道/频率映射的国家代码 (0 为默认)。设置控制界面设置VLC 界面设置设置音频+视频、杂项编码及译码器设置纯音频编码及译码器主界面设置设置纯视频编码及译码器有关播放列表行为及自动将项目加入播放列表的模块 (“服务探索”模块) 的设置 (例如回放模式)。关于各种 VLC 使用的存取方法的设置。您可能要更改的一般的设置为 HTTP 代理或缓存设置。设置...有一些 OpenGL 视觉效果可用。阴影偏移Shift向后跳一小段向前跳一小段跳一小段的长度跳一小段的长度,以秒为单位。ShoutcastShoutcast TVShoutcast TV 列表Shoutcast 收音机列表显示全部显示界面在任务栏上显示 VLC显示 VLC 托盘图标。显示高级选项启动时显示书签对话框显示扩展 VCD 信息?显示界面用鼠标来显示界面在工具栏图标下方显示标签。在工具栏上显示标签显示串流位置在开始串流之前显示选择设备属性对话框显示调谐器属性 (频道选择) 页显示/隐藏界面打乱顺序静音模式银色SDL 音频输出SDL 视频输出简易XML解析器简体中文大小视频大小大小:大小皮肤文件 (*.vlt;*.wsz)|*.vlt;*.wsz|皮肤文件 (*.xml)|*.xml要使用的皮肤可面板化界面皮肤面板载入器分离跳过帧跳过循环过滤器斯洛伐克文放慢小更小平滑 :快照设置缓存大小 (保留影像的数量)快照高度快照模块快照宽度Socks 代理除了这些选项之外, 还有一些已被隐藏的选项。单击 "高级" 可以看到它们。除了这些选项之外, 还有一些已被隐藏的选项。单击 "高级" 可以看到它们。依制作人排序节点依名称排序节点依标题排序(&T)依名称排序依路径排序排序该分支按专辑排序按制作人排序音效:源比率源目录Sout 流输出西班牙语特殊模块指定 MRL。此项可以直接指定或以调整串流设置的方式自动填写。为子图标明一个标示符指定要使用的解除交错模块。指定记录文件文件名说明记录格式. 可选项为"text" (默认) 和 "html".说明记录格式. 可选项为"text" (默认), "html" 和 "syslog" (发送到系统记录而不是文件中的一种特殊方式).光谱部分频谱频谱频谱分析器速度Feed 的速度Speex音频译码器Speex音频编码器Speex音频封包器Speex 注释圆面标准标准文件目录输入标准串流输出直接从菜单开始直接从菜单开始播放 DVD。此项将跳过所有无用的警告信息。开始时间以全屏幕模式启动视频总在最上面向后向前立体声立体声模式停止每次播放完条目后停止播放列表中的项目停止时间已停止串流串流 %d流通告要使用的音频轨道的 ID要使用的字幕轨道的 ID串流 MP3允许串流所有的 ES (视频,音频和字幕)串流及媒体信息(&I)... Ctrl-I串流及媒体信息串流比特率串流描述串流名称设置你想使用的音频轨道的串流号码 (从 0 到 n)设置你想使用的字幕轨道的串流编号 (从 0 到 n)串流输出串流输出MRL串流输出允许将 VLC 用作一个串流服务器或者保存外来串流。 串流首先会被混合,然后通过一个既可以将串流保存为文件又可以将串流发送至网络 (UDP, HTTP, RTP/RTSP) 的“存取输出”模块来发送。 Sout 串流模块允许高级串流处理 (转码,复制等等)。串流至一个单独的计算机。串流至网络串流/保存串流串流/转码选项串流解除交错模式串流方式串流/导出向导串流/保存:串流/转码向导拉抻视频以填满窗口子目录行为子图像位置子画面子画面过滤器模块字幕字幕文件字幕自动侦测模糊化字幕自动侦测路径减少字幕延迟增加字幕延迟字幕分离器设置字幕语言字幕选项字幕轨: %s字幕字幕轨字幕对齐字幕编码器字幕延迟字幕编码器字幕编码字幕文件字幕格式字幕对齐字幕延迟字幕字体编码字幕轨字幕轨 ID字幕/OSD摘要苏丹文环绕环绕延迟(ms)环绕延迟 (ms,同常为5-40ms)环绕等级 (0-100,默认为0)环绕等级瑞典文切换界面在音轨上同步系统 Id托盘图标TCPTCP指令输入TCP连接超时时间TCP输入TSTS IDTS 复用器 (libdvbpsi)AU 分离器TY Stream 音频/视频 Demux塔吉克文获取画面快照获取视频快照获取视频快照并写入磁盘泰米尔文视频的目标输出帧率。目标:Tarkin译码器模块任务栏蓝绿色告知 VLC 它正从操作系统中的文件关联启动Telnet 界面文本文字默认颜色文字位置字体渲染字体渲染模块字体字幕译码器文字字幕解释器泰文VideoLAN 开发小组 http://www.videolan.org/VideoLAN 开发小组 http://www.videolan.org/ 将被在视频上渲染的文字颜色。这必须是一个十六进制数 (像 HTML 颜色一样)。前两位是红色,然后是绿色,然后是蓝色。#000000 = 黑, #FF0000 = 红, #00FF00 = 绿, #FFFF00 = 黄 (红 + 绿), #FFFFFF = 白模糊化的程度,从 1 到 127。效果窗口的高度 (像素)最新版本的 VLC 是 %s (下载大小 %i MB)。用此选项设置调整音量的步长,范围从 0 到 1024要使书签有效,串流必须正在播放或处于暂停状态串流将从此位置开始 (以秒为单位)。串流将从此位置停止 (以秒为单位)。用于检测的帧的编号。壁纸模式允许您在桌面背景上显示视频。注: 此功能仅能在 overlay 模式中使用并且桌面必须没有设定壁纸。效果窗口的宽度 (像素)Theora是一个通用编码器 (可以与 MPEG TS 和 OGG 一起使用)Theora是一个免费、开放的通用编码器Theora视频译码器Theora视频编码器Theora视频封包器有两种方法可以显示一个全屏幕窗口,但是每一种都有它的缺点。 1) 让窗口管理器处理您的全屏窗口 (默认),但是任务栏之类的东西可能会在影像上面显示。 2) 完全忽略窗口管理器,但是任何东西将会无法在影像上面显示。这些模块尚无可用的帮助文件音频输出模块的一般设置视频/音频/字幕编码模块的一般设置这些是关于 VLC 的输入、多路传输和解码的部分。编码器的设置也可以在这里找到。本模块对 VLC 其它部分提供网络的功能这些选项允许您对 VLC 所使用的界面进行配置。您可以选择主界面,附加界面模块,或者定义各种相关选项。这些选项允许您修改音频子系统的行为,并且添加可用于后期处理及视觉效果 (频谱分析等等) 的音频过滤器。在此处启用这些过滤器,并在“音频过滤器”模块部分来配置它们。这些选项允许你设置默认的流输出子系统的全局选项.这个设置会影响彩度转换模块此 AVI 文件已损坏。查找操作将不会正常工作。 是否试图修复它 (这将会花费很长的一段时间) ?增加视觉效果模块 (频谱分析器、其它...)用此项可以将串流保存到一个文件。您有可能会重新编码串流。您可以保存任何 VLC 可以读取的东西。 请注意,VLC 可能不是很适合于文件到文件的转码。您应该使用它的转码功能来保存一些其它的东西,诸如网络流。用此选项串流至网络这个选项允许你定义播放列表书签此选项允许您强制使用一个存取模块。如果正确的存取模块没有被自动检测到的话,您可以使用此选项。除非您知道你在做什么,您不应该将此选项设为一个全局选项。允许你为流作一个更广的描述。它将在 SDP (会话描述符) 中被通告。允许你同时播放一些输入.这个特性是测试阶段,不是所有格式都支持. 使用一个以井号分隔的列表.允许你选择编码器清单,VLC会依照先后顺序使用这个允许你选择VLC选择封包器的顺序设置动画速度 (在 1 和 10 之间,默认为 6)。允许您更改 Goom 显示的分辨率 (大一些的分辨率将会更好看,但也会增大 CPU 的占用)。允许您为会话指定一个组,如果您选择使用 SAP 的话,这个组将被通告。允许您为会话指定一个名称,如果您选择使用 SAP 的话,这个名称将被通告。允许您指定该输出串流的有效时间。允许您标明 RTP 流的基本端口。允许您标明 RTP 流的默认音频端口。允许您指定 RTP 串流的默认视频端口。允许你指定串流输出的复用器。默认为不使用复用器 (标准 RTP 串流)。允许串流 MPEG4 LATM 音频串流 (参见 RFC3016)。决定字幕侦测的模糊程度及文件名吻合条件选项: 0 = 不自动侦测字幕 1 = 所有的字幕文件 2 = 所有包含电影名称的字幕文件 3 = 字幕文件与电影名称吻合并包含其它字符 4 = 字幕文件与电影名称完全吻合如此选项被打开,控制台中显示的信息将会是彩色的。您的终端需要 Linux 彩色支持。这是一个修改频带高度的系数。要使用的音频编码器。允许你指定欲使用的音频编码器及其相关选项。选择 VLC 所使用的音频输出方法。默认行为是自动选择可用的最好的模块。默认的音乐 CD 设备默认的音乐 CD 设备,如果你不指定,程序将会自动扫描适合的光驱默认的 DVD 设备默认的 VCD 设备这是默认要使用的 VCD 设备。如果您不指定任何东西,程序将会自动扫描一个合适的 CD-ROM 设备。要使用的默认的复用器方法。这是默认的输出 URI.将要使用的默认的输出存取方法。这是用于 UDP 流的端口。默认值是 1234。这是将会被在视频上渲染的文字的字号。如果此项不为 0 的话, 此项将会覆盖相对字号。允许您设置您所希望的在从文件播放 MJPEG 时的帧率, 使用 0 (这是默认值) 为实况 (从摄像机中)。此选项是将被用于串流的目的地 (URL)。这些选项允许您选择 VLC 所使用的主界面。默认行为是自动选择可用的最好的模块。这是可以在网络接口上传输的包的最大大小。在以太网上通常是 1500 字节。这是将被用于音频的复用器。这是将被用于视频的复用器。这是要使用的复用器。这是会话的名字。它将会在 SDP (会话描述符) 中被通告。这是将被用于音频的输出 URI.这是将被用于视频的输出 URI.这个是将被使用的输出 URL。音频串流输出的输出存取方法视频串流输出的输出存取方法这是将被在视频上渲染的文字的相对字号。如果设置了绝对字号,相对字号将被忽略。这是要使用的字幕编解码器。将要使用的字幕编码器 (及其相关选项)。这是 VLC 所使用的视频输出方法。默认行为是自动选择最好的输出方法。这个选项设置提示级别 (0代表只有错误和标准信息, 1 表示警告, 2 代表调试)这是将要使用的视频编码器。允许你指定欲使用的视频编码器及其相关选项这个选项的选择可以在你的电脑不够好时允许MPEG2流产生丢帧在这一页,你可以选择你的输入串流的传送方式本程序在适用法律允许范围内绝对没有任何保证。您可以在 GNU 通用 公开许可协议下重新发布本软件,具体情况请参看 COPYING 文件。 本软件由 VideoLAN 开发组开发,请参看 AUTHORS 文件。 在你使用静音功能时,这里保存音频输出音量。你不应该手动更改此项。此串流将会在每次 VLC 启动时播放。这将会使用一种高质量的重新取样算法。高质量重新取样算法将占用更多的处理器资源,因此您可以关闭它来使用一种高效率的算法。此版本的 VLC 是最新版本。此版本的 VLC 不是最新的。强制使用单声道输出注意: 这将复位您的 VLC media player 设置。 是否确定要继续?这个向导可以帮助你串流、转码或是储存一个串流这个向导只给出了访问VLC串流和转码的子集. 使用打开和串流输出对话框可以得到所有特性.这个向导只给出了访问VLC串流和转码的子集. 使用打开和串流输出对话框可以得到所有特性.阈值藏文时间有效时间(TTL):时间显示子过滤器时间格式串 (%Y%m%d %H%M%S)时间重叠有效时间(TTL)该输出串流的有效时间超时超时时间 (毫秒)时间差时间差目录标题标题 %i标题数据标题数目.放入 ASF 注释中的标题。到工具顶部左上角 x 坐标左上角 x 坐标左上右上圆环面马赛克的高度 (像素)。此项是峰值项目的总高度 (像素)马赛克的宽度 (像素)。轨道音轨 %i轨道编号轨道编号。集合中的音轨编号/位置轨道设置音轨大小 (扇区)轨道转码音频转码音频转码 (如果可用)转码串流输出视频转码转码视频 (如果有效的话)转码/储存至文件转码:转码选项转换类型变换透明Logo 的透明度透明的立方体以管道而不是文件的形式处理触发按键信任 MPEG 时间戳尝试解析通告在使用 YUV Overlay 时,试图使用三重缓存。那将导致大大增强的视频质量。(没有闪烁)。调节器调谐器 TV 频道调谐器国家代码调谐器输入类型调谐器属性若有多个调谐器时,选择要使用的一个调节器:土耳其语关闭所有警告及信息提示。必须选择两个书签类型打 'menu select' 或 'pause' 可继续打 'pause' 可继续UDPUDP 多播UDP 单播UDP 端口从哪个 UDP 端口来监听命令UDP 串流输出UDP/IPv4网络抽象层UDP/IPv6网络抽象层UDP/RTPUDP/RTP 多播UDP/RTP 输入Unix socket指令输入URI网址网址元数据网址:UTF-8 字幕自动侦测维吾尔文乌克兰文反缩放无法找到播放列表未压缩的音频采样 (可与 WAV 一起使用)不在视频底部修剪一个像素不在视频左侧修剪一个像素不在视频右部修剪一个像素不在视频顶部修剪一个像素未定义解除安装Windows服务解除安装服务并退出。通用即插即用探索通用即插即用探索 (Intel SDK)未知未知的视频未知命令 `%s', 键入 `help' 获得帮助未知的声卡无标题更新更新使用 CD 音频控制和输出?使用DVD选单使用DVD选单使用导航风格回放?在 RTSP 上使用 RTP (TCP)当可用时使用 S/PDIF 音频输出使用SAP缓存使用 VLC 作为串流服务器使用可变比特率。默认为使用固定比特率 (CBR)。使用 YUVP 渲染使用外挂缓存这个选项允许你使用插件缓存, 这将会大大提高 VLC 的开始时间使用字幕文件使用外部字幕文件设为屏幕背景使用float32输出使用硬件 YUV->RGB 转换使用关键帧使用最小界面, 没有工具栏, 很少菜单使用回放控制使用共享内存使用共享内存来在 VLC 和 X 服务器间通信。使用字幕文件用此项串流至网络用此选项串流至网络用此项可串流至一个单独的计算机。用此项可串流至一个单独的计算机。RTP 头部将会被添加到串流中将音轨长度用于查找的最大单位?在 overlay 中使用三重缓存在系统内存中使用视频缓冲区用户用于这个连接的用户代理。用于这个连接的用户名。将被用于连接到 SOCKS 代理服务器的用户名。用户名乌兹别克文V-平面颜色VBR 模式VBV 缓冲区VCDVCD格式VCD 设备VCD 输入VIDEO_TS 目录VLC - 控制器VLC 可以不在视频周围显示窗口标题、框架等,从而得到一个“最小的”窗口。VLC可以在视频上显示讯息,称之为 OSD (On Screen Display)。VLC 从文件关联启动VLC多媒体播放程序VLC media player 是一个可以从本地或网络上接受输入的、在 GPL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) 许可下发行的 MPEG, MPEG 2, MP3 和 DivX 的播放器。VLC media player:打开多媒体文件VLC media player:打开字幕文件VLC 选项VLC 版本 %s 启动后,VLC 会一遍又一遍地的播放目前的播放列表项目。启动后,VLC 会一遍又一遍地的播放目前的播放列表。选择后,VLC 会随机地播放列表中的文件,直到中断VLC 的 Video On Demand 实现VLMVLM 控制... Ctrl-VVLM设置档VLM 遥控界面VLM 流VOC 分离器VOD提示(0,1,2)垂直同步垂直偏移向后跳一很小的段向前跳一很小的段跳一很小的段的长度跳一很小的段的长度,以秒为单位。视频视频位率:视频 CD (VCD 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, SVCD, HQVCD) 输入视频编码器:视频装置视频管理器视频选项视频PID视频轨视频 X 坐标视频 Y 坐标视频对齐视频位率视频比特率容忍度视频比特率容忍度, 以千比特每秒为单位。视频画布纵横比视频画布高度视频画布宽度视频编码器视频编码器视频修整(下方)视频修整(左方)视频修整(右方)视频修整(上方)视频修整视频译码器(使用 openmash)视频装置视频装置名称视频编码器视频过滤器视频过滤器模块视频过滤器视频过滤器可以用于对视频流进行善后处理视频滤波器设置视频帧率视频高度视频输入彩度格式视频输入帧率视频输入端视频输出 URL视频输出存取方式视频输出模块视频输出模块视频输出复用器视频输出端视频填补(下方)视频填补(左方)视频填补(右方)视频填补(上方)视频图片混合视频端口视频缩放视频缩放过滤器视频设置视频大小视频快照目录 (或文件名)视频快照文件前缀视频快照格式视频标题文件转换过滤器视频宽度Video4LinuxVideo4Linux输入视频:VideoLAN 网站越南文查看视觉效果可视化过滤器可视化过滤器Vobsub 字幕解释器卷 #卷最大 #音量减低音量卷系列增加音量减低音量音量正规化音量正常化增加音量音量: %d%%Vorbis音频译码器Vorbis音频编码器Vorbis音频封包器Vorbis 注释Vorbis是一个自由的音频编码器WAV 分离器WAV 复用器WMV (Windows Media Video) 1 (可以与 MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF 和 OGG 一起使用)WMV (Windows Media Video) 2 (可以与 MPEG TS, MPEG1, ASF 和 OGG 一起使用)WMV (Windows Media Video) 7 (可与 MPEG TS, MPEG1, OGG 和 ASF 一起使用)WMV (Windows Media Video) 8 (可与 MPEG TS, MPEG1, OGG 和 ASF 一起使用)WMV (Windows Media Video) 9 (可与 MPEG TS, MPEG1, OGG 和 ASF 一起使用)WMV1WMV2墙视频过滤器壁纸波形Web 界面威尔士文如此项被启用, 当您在全屏幕模式下移动鼠标时, 界面将会在屏幕边缘被显示。如此项被启用, 当需要用户输入时, 界面上将会弹出一个对话框。如果此项被打开,在参数设置和/或界面中将显示所有可用选项,包含那些大多数用户不应该更改的选项。如此项被启用, 像素将会以黑白的形式显示。阈值将为下面定议的亮度值。当使用PVR输入(或者一个很不正常的源), 你必须设置这个值为10000.白色宽度设置快照影像的宽度Win32 字体渲染器Win32 waveOut 扩展输出Wince 对话提供商WinCE 界面模块窗口窗口装饰窗口属性Windows GAPI视频输出Windows GDI视频输出Windows Media NSC 元分离Windows服务接口马赛克左上角的 X 坐标。X 屏幕保护程序禁用器X 坐标Logo 的 X 坐标。您可以单击 logo 来移动它。X 偏移量X 偏移量,从屏幕左角X 偏移量,从屏幕左边界X11 显示指定您所要用的 X11 硬件显示。默认状态下,VLC 将会使用 DISPLAY 环境变量的值。指定您想要使用的 X11 硬件显示。默认状态下 VLC 将会使用 DISPLAY 环境变量的值。X11视频输出XA 分离器XML解析器(使用libxml2)XML 可共享播放列表格式 (XSPF)XOSD 界面XSPF 播放列表XSPF 列表导出器XSPF 播放列表导入XVideo 适配器数目XVideo延伸视频输出XVimage彩度格式马赛克左上角的 Y 坐标。Y 坐标Logo 的 Y 坐标。您可以单击 logo 来移动它。Y 偏移量Y 偏移量,从上往下Y 偏移量,从上往下黄色是这里您可以选择是否不使用一些 CPU 加速功能。您可能不应该更改这里的设置。您可以完全取消音频输出。音频将不会被解码,这样可以节省一些处理器负荷。您可以完全禁用子画面处理。您可以强制图像高度。默认值 (-1) 下 VLC 将会根据视频来自动调整。您可以强制图像宽度。默认值 (-1) 下 VLC 将会根据视频来自动调整。您可以强制视频高度。默认值 (-1) 下 VLC 将会适应视频特征。您可以强制视频宽度。默认值 (-1) 下 VLC 将会适应视频特征。你可以在这里强制改变音频输出的频率.一般值为 -1(缺省), 48000, 44100, 32000, 22050, 16000, 11025, 8000.此选项允许您设置用户界面的语言。如果此处被设为 "自动",系统将会自动检测所使用的语言。您可以单击 OSD 菜单来移动它。这个选项允许你选择 VLC 使用的附加界面。在启动默认界面的同时,它们将会在背景中启动。使用一个以逗号分隔的列表 (通常的值有 "rc" (遥控器), "http", "gestures" ...)您可以选择 VLC 的控制界面。你可以在这里设置默认的音频输出音量,范围从0到1024你可以通过特定参数缩放视频大小。你必须选择文件以另存你必须选择一个串流您必须选择两个书签壮文缩放缩放视频祖鲁文[cdda:][设备][@[轨道]][vcd:][设备][@[标题][,[章节]]]a52aRts音频输出alaw全部自动bits/s布尔值cbrcddax://[设备或文件][@[T]轨道]cif清除效果折叠默认dv报告给 CDDB 服务器的电邮地址打开结束展开扩展选择列表快速固定浮点型ftp完整httphuffyuv整型kHzkbits/slibc memcpylocalhostlocalhost.localdomain主程序mms单声道mp1vmp2vmp3mp4vmpga多播否无正常ntsc重叠pal播放列表播放列表打印一个可用模块的列表打印 VLC 帮助信息 (可以和 --advanced 一起使用)显示 VLC 及所有的模块的帮助信息 (可以和 --advanced 一起使用)打印高级选项的帮助信息打印版本信息qcifqsif将当前设置复位为默认值重置目前外挂缓存根rtprtp4在配置中保存当前的命令行选项秒secam选择清单sif慢速sout立体声字符串型标题类型udpudp6ulaw单播未知类型使用替代的组态档vbrvcdx://[设备或文件][@{P,S,T}编号]vga视频vorbwxWidgets dialogs 提供者wxWindows界面模块是yes: %@ @ %@ kb/syes: 从 %@ 到 %@ 秒