from docutils import nodes from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives from sphinx import addnodes from import GenericObject from sphinx.errors import SphinxError from utils import build_table_from_list def read_cabal_file(pkg_path): import re cabal_file = open(pkg_path, 'r').read() pkg_name ='^[nN]ame\s*:\s*([-a-zA-Z0-9]+)', cabal_file, re.MULTILINE) if pkg_name is not None: pkg_name = else: raise RuntimeError("Failed to parse `Name:` field from %s" % pkg_path) pkg_version ='^[vV]ersion\s*:\s*(\d+(\.\d+)*)', cabal_file, re.MULTILINE) if pkg_version is not None: pkg_version = else: raise RuntimeError("Failed to parse `Version:` field from %s" % pkg_path) return (pkg_name, pkg_version) class PackageListDirective(Directive): has_content = True def run(self): self.assert_has_content() packages = [] for line in self.content: (pkg_path, _, reason) = line.partition(':') if len(reason) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Missing reason for inclusion of package %s" % pkg_path) # Parse reason from docutils.statemachine import ViewList reason_vl = ViewList(initlist=[reason.strip()]) reason_node = nodes.paragraph() self.state.nested_parse(reason_vl, 0, reason_node) packages.append((pkg_path, reason_node)) # Create column headers for table header = [ nodes.inline(text=h) for h in ["Package", "Version", "Reason for inclusion"] ] package_list = [header] for (pkg_path, reason) in sorted(packages): (pkg_name, pkg_version) = read_cabal_file(pkg_path) cells = [ nodes.paragraph(text=pkg_name), nodes.inline(text=pkg_version), reason ] package_list.append(cells) table = build_table_from_list(package_list, [20, 20, 40]) table['classes'].append('longtable') return [table] ### Initialization def setup(app): app.add_directive('ghc-package-list', PackageListDirective) return {'version': '1.0'}