# This file is processed by the configure script. # See hadrian/src/UserSettings.hs for user-defined settings. #=========================================================== # Paths to builders: #=================== alex = /home/zubin/.cabal/bin/alex ar = ar autoreconf = /usr/bin/autoreconf cc = cc happy = /home/zubin/.cabal/store/ghc-8.10.7/happy-1.19.12-e-happy-f1bdfdfafef921cba96032e3d7fc25a31e92bfabcf515c0e857dda18f52047fc/bin/happy hs-cpp = cc ld = ld.lld make = make nm = nm merge-objects = ld.lld objdump = objdump ranlib = ranlib sphinx-build = /usr/bin/sphinx-build system-ar = ar system-cc = gcc system-ghc = /home/zubin/.ghcup/bin/ghc system-ghc-pkg = /home/zubin/.ghcup/bin/ghc-pkg tar = /usr/bin/tar patch = /usr/bin/patch xelatex = /usr/bin/xelatex makeindex = /usr/bin/makeindex makeinfo = /usr/bin/makeinfo # Python 3 is required to run test driver. # See: https://github.com/ghc/ghc/blob/master/testsuite/mk/boilerplate.mk#L220 python = /usr/bin/python3 # Information about builders: #============================ ar-supports-at-file = YES cc-llvm-backend = NO hs-cpp-args = -E -undef -traditional # Build options: #=============== solaris-broken-shld = NO ghc-unregisterised = NO tables-next-to-code = YES use-libffi-for-adjustors = NO ghc-source-path = /home/zubin/ghcs/hs-main leading-underscore = NO # Information about build, host and target systems: #================================================== build-platform = x86_64-unknown-linux build-arch = x86_64 build-os = linux build-vendor = unknown host-platform = x86_64-unknown-linux host-arch = x86_64 host-os = linux host-vendor = unknown host-os-haskell = OSLinux host-arch-haskell = ArchX86_64 target-platform = x86_64-unknown-linux target-platform-full = x86_64-unknown-linux target-arch = x86_64 target-os = linux target-vendor = unknown target-os-haskell = OSLinux target-arch-haskell = ArchX86_64 llvm-target = x86_64-unknown-linux cross-compiling = NO dynamic-extension = .so ghc-version = 8.10.7 ghc-major-version = 8 ghc-minor-version = 10 ghc-patch-level = 7 bootstrap-threaded-rts = YES supports-this-unit-id = @SUPPORTS_THIS_UNIT_ID@ project-name = The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System project-version = 9.0.2 project-version-int = 900 project-patch-level = 2 project-patch-level1 = 2 project-patch-level2 = project-git-commit-id = 6554ff2843d53dddeb875cb145ab892725eac54c system-use-distro-mingw = NO # Compilation and linking flags: #=============================== conf-cc-args-stage0 = conf-cc-args-stage1 = conf-cc-args-stage2 = conf-cc-args-stage3 = @CONF_CC_OPTS_STAGE3@ conf-cpp-args-stage0 = conf-cpp-args-stage1 = conf-cpp-args-stage2 = conf-cpp-args-stage3 = @CONF_CPP_OPTS_STAGE3@ conf-gcc-linker-args-stage0 = conf-gcc-linker-args-stage1 = -fuse-ld=lld conf-gcc-linker-args-stage2 = -fuse-ld=lld conf-gcc-linker-args-stage3 = @CONF_GCC_LINKER_OPTS_STAGE3@ conf-ld-linker-args-stage0 = conf-ld-linker-args-stage1 = conf-ld-linker-args-stage2 = conf-ld-linker-args-stage3 = @CONF_LD_LINKER_OPTS_STAGE3@ conf-merge-objects-args-stage0 = -r conf-merge-objects-args-stage1 = -r conf-merge-objects-args-stage2 = -r conf-merge-objects-args-stage3 = -r # Settings: #========== # We are in the process of moving the settings file from being entirely # generated by configure, to generated being by the build system. Many of these # might become redundant. # See Note [tooldir: How GHC finds mingw on Windows] gcc-extra-via-c-opts = ld-has-no-compact-unwind = NO ld-has-build-id = YES ld-has-filelist = NO ld-is-gnu-ld = YES ar-args = q settings-c-compiler-command = cc settings-haskell-cpp-command = cc settings-haskell-cpp-flags = -E -undef -traditional settings-c-compiler-flags = settings-cxx-compiler-flags = settings-c-compiler-link-flags = -fuse-ld=lld settings-c-compiler-supports-no-pie = YES settings-ld-command = ld.lld settings-ld-flags = settings-merge-objects-command = ld.lld settings-merge-objects-flags = -r settings-ar-command = ar settings-ranlib-command = ranlib settings-otool-command = otool settings-install_name_tool-command = install_name_tool settings-dll-wrap-command = /bin/false settings-windres-command = /bin/false settings-libtool-command = libtool settings-touch-command = touch settings-clang-command = clang settings-llc-command = llc settings-opt-command = opt target-word-size = 8 target-word-big-endian = NO target-has-gnu-nonexec-stack = YES target-has-ident-directive = YES target-has-subsections-via-symbols = NO target-has-rts-linker = YES target-arm-version = # Include and library directories: #================================= curses-lib-dir = iconv-include-dir = iconv-lib-dir = intree-gmp = NO gmp-framework-preferred = NO gmp-include-dir = gmp-lib-dir = use-system-ffi = NO ffi-include-dir = ffi-lib-dir = libdw-include-dir = libdw-lib-dir = libnuma-include-dir = libnuma-lib-dir = # Optional Dependencies: #======================= with-libdw = NO with-libnuma = YES have-lib-mingw-ex = NO