# Expressions `Expr c b a` is a computation that produces a value of type `Action a` and can read parameters of the current build `Target c b`, but what does that mean exactly? Here's its definition from `hadrian/src/Hadrian/Expression.hs`: ```haskell newtype Expr c b a = Expr (ReaderT (Target c b) Action a) deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad) ``` So `Expr c b a` is a `newtype` wrapper around a `ReaderT (Target c b) Action a`. In practice within Hadrian `c` is always `Context` and `b` is always `Builder`. The extra parameterisation is there so that hopefully one day the general functionality of Hadrian (eg. compiling a Haskell library) will be available to Shake users via a library. A type synonym from `hadrian/src/Expression/Type.hs` is often used to avoid writing `Context` and `Builder` everywhere: ```haskell type Expr a = H.Expr Context Builder a ``` Where `H.Expr` is the `Expr c b a` defined above. The following references to `Expr` will generally refer to this type synonym unless there is extra parameterisation. Let's break down the type a bit, working from the outside in, left to right. ## ReaderT Put simply, `ReaderT (Target c b) Action a` adds a read-only environment `Target c b` (in the case of Hadrian: `Target Context Builder`) to values of type `Action a`. It's the equivalent of threading through a `Target c b` parameter to all our functions, but we only have to worry about it when we need it, using `ask :: Monad m => ReaderT r m r` (where `r` is `Target c b` and `m` is `Action` in this case) or other functions based on it. `ReaderT` and `ask` are defined in [`Control.Monad.Trans.Reader`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/transformers- So, instead of: ```haskell foo :: Target Context Builder -> Action () foo target = do liftIO $ putStrLn "Some message" bar target bar :: Target Context Builder -> Action () bar target' = do liftIO $ putStrLn "Some other message" baz target' baz :: Target Context Builder -> Action () baz target'' = do liftIO $ putStrLn "Yet another message" liftIO $ print target ``` We can write: ```haskell foo :: ReaderT (Target Context Builder) Action () foo = do liftIO $ putStrLn "Some message" bar bar :: ReaderT (Target Context Builder) Action () bar = do liftIO $ putStrLn "Some other message" baz baz :: ReaderT (Target Context Builder) Action () baz = do liftIO $ putStrLn "Yet another message" target <- ask liftIO $ print target ``` And to make those into Hadrian Expressions all we have to do is change the type and add the constructor: ```haskell foo :: Expr () foo = Expr $ do liftIO $ putStrLn "Some message" bar bar :: Expr () bar = Expr $ do liftIO $ putStrLn "Some other message" baz baz :: Expr () baz = Expr $ do liftIO $ putStrLn "Yet another message" target <- ask liftIO $ print target ``` ## Target From `hadrian/src/Hadrian/Target.hs`: > Each invocation of a builder is fully described by a `Target`, which > comprises a build context (type variable `c`), a builder (type variable `b`), > a list of input files and a list of output files. For example: > > ```haskell > preludeTarget = Target (GHC.Context) (GHC.Builder) > { context = Context Stage1 base profiling > , builder = Ghc Stage1 > , inputs = ["libraries/base/Prelude.hs"] > , outputs = ["build/stage1/libraries/base/Prelude.p_o"] } > ``` The data type is as follows and is fairly self-explanatory: ```haskell data Target c b = Target { context :: c -- ^ Current build context , builder :: b -- ^ Builder to be invoked , inputs :: [FilePath] -- ^ Input files for the builder , outputs :: [FilePath] -- ^ Files to be produced } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) ``` So we have some `inputs` to our target, some `outputs` that it will produce, a context for the build (in Hadrian: `Context`), and the builder (in Hadrian: `Builder`). ### Context From `hadrian/src/Context/Type.hs`: ```haskell data Context = Context { stage :: Stage -- ^ Currently build Stage , package :: Package -- ^ Currently build Package , way :: Way -- ^ Currently build Way (usually 'vanilla') } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) ``` So Context is a data type that stores a Stage, Package, and a Way, i.e. the context for some particular `Target`. #### Stage From `hadrian/src/Stage.hs`: ```haskell data Stage = Stage0 | Stage1 | Stage2 | Stage3 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Generic, Bounded) ``` #### Package From `hadrian/src/Hadrian/Package.hs`: ```haskell data Package = Package { -- | The package type. 'Library' and 'Program' packages are supported. pkgType :: PackageType, -- | The package name. We assume that all packages have different names, -- hence two packages with the same name are considered equal. pkgName :: PackageName, -- | The path to the package source code relative to the root of the build -- system. For example, @libraries/Cabal/Cabal@ and @ghc@ are paths to the -- @Cabal@ and @ghc-bin@ packages in GHC. pkgPath :: FilePath } deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show) ``` `PackageType` is simply defined as: ```haskell data PackageType = Library | Program deriving (Eq, Generic, Ord, Show) ``` This doesn't quite reflect how Cabal packages are actually structured, as discussed in https://github.com/snowleopard/hadrian/issues/12, but Hadrian can still function treating packages as either libraries or programs. Both `PackageName` and `FilePath` are just type synonyms of `String`. #### Way From `hadrian/src/Way/Type.hs`: ```haskell newtype Way = Way IntSet ``` Where `Way` is a set of enumerated `WayUnit`s wrapped in a `newtype`. `WayUnit` is defined as: ```haskell data WayUnit = Threaded | Debug | Profiling | Logging | Dynamic deriving (Bounded, Enum, Eq, Ord) ``` There are also some helper functions in this module to abstract away this complexity. For example: ```haskell import qualified Data.IntSet as Set wayFromUnits :: [WayUnit] -> Way wayFromUnits = Way . Set.fromList . map fromEnum ``` `wayFromUnits` converts the `[WayUnit]` into `[Int]` using `map fromEnum`, creates an `IntSet` from them using `Set.fromList`, and then wraps the `IntSet` with the `Way` constructor. So we can use `wayFromUnits` to create a `Way` that builds Hadrian with both multi-threading and profiling by simply writing `wayFromUnits [Threaded, Profiling]`. We can also check if a `Way` contains a particular `WayUnit` by using `wayUnit :: WayUnit -> Way -> Bool`. This is useful if we need to do something when we're building with a particular `WayUnit`, but not otherwise. For example, using `getWay :: Expr Context b Way` from `hadrian/src/Context.hs`: ```haskell foo :: Expr () foo = do w <- getWay if wayUnit Profiling w then liftIO $ putStrLn "We're building this target with profiling" else liftIO $ putStrLn "We're not building this target with profiling" ``` ### Builder From `hadrian/src/Builder.hs`: > A `Builder` is a (usually external) command invoked in a separate process > via `cmd`. Here are some examples: > * `Alex` is a lexical analyser generator that builds `Lexer.hs` from `Lexer.x`. > * `Ghc` `Stage0` is the bootstrapping Haskell compiler used in `Stage0`. > * `Ghc` `StageN` (N > 0) is the GHC built in stage (N - 1) and used in `StageN`. > > The `Cabal` builder is unusual in that it does not correspond to an external > program but instead relies on the Cabal library for package configuration. The data type itself is simply a long set of constructors that may or may not be parameterised: ```haskell data Builder = Alex | Ar ArMode Stage | Autoreconf FilePath | DeriveConstants | Cabal ConfigurationInfo Stage ... | Ghc GhcMode Stage ... etc. deriving (Eq, Generic, Show) ``` ## Action `Action` comes from Shake, the library underlying Hadrian. It can perform `IO` using `liftIO` and keeps track of the dependencies for a rule. For more information on `Action`, see the Shake docs: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/shake-0.18.3/docs/Development-Shake.html # Predicates One useful kind of Hadrian expression is `Predicate`, which is just a type synonym for `Expr Bool`. These expressions can read from the `Target` and possibly perform `IO` or any other `Action` to return a `Bool`. A particularly useful operator for using `Predicate`s is `?`. Its real type and implementation can be found in `hadrian/src/Hadrian/Expression.hs`, but for the sake of illustrating how it works in most cases, imagine it's defined like this: ```haskell (?) :: Monoid a => Predicate -> Expr a -> Expr a predicate ? expr = do bool <- predicate if bool then expr else return mempty ``` If the `Predicate` returns `True`, we return the `Expr` we give it, otherwise we return `mempty` (which is why we need the `Monoid` type constraint). In fact thanks to some added type class complexity in the real definition, we can give `?` a `Bool` instead of a `Predicate` and it works the same way. To show how we might use `Predicate`s and `?` in practice, say we want to compile all the Haskell modules in `compiler/` with `-O0` during stage 0. We can do that by going to `UserSettings.hs` (see [the user settings docs](user-settings.md)) and changing `userArgs` to: ```haskell userArgs :: Args userArgs = package compiler ? builder (Ghc CompileHs stage0) ? arg "-O0" ``` `Args` is just a type synonym for `Expr [String]` and `arg` just lifts a `String` into an `Args`. `package :: Package -> Predicate` from `hadrian/src/Expression.hs` takes a `Package` and returns a `Predicate` that will return `True` if the current `Target` is part of that package and `False` otherwise. In this case we give it `compiler` which is defined in `hadrian/src/Packages.hs` along with many other convenient `Package` definitions. `builder` comes from `hadrian/src/Expression.hs`: > This type class allows the user to construct both precise builder > predicates, such as `builder (Ghc CompileHs Stage1)`, as well as predicates > covering a set of similar builders. For example, `builder (Ghc CompileHs)` > matches any stage, and `builder Ghc` matches any stage and any GHC mode. ```haskell class BuilderPredicate a where -- | Is a particular builder being used? builder :: a -> Predicate ``` Other useful `Predicate` functions can be found in `hadrian/src/Expression.hs` and `hadrian/src/Hadrian/Expression.hs`.