module Context ( -- * Context Context (..), vanillaContext, stageContext, -- * Expressions getStage, getPackage, getWay, getStagedSettingList, getBuildPath, -- * Paths contextDir, buildPath, buildDir, pkgInplaceConfig, pkgSetupConfigFile, pkgHaddockFile, pkgRegisteredLibraryFile, pkgLibraryFile, pkgGhciLibraryFile, pkgConfFile, objectPath, contextPath, getContextPath, libPath, distDir, haddockStatsFilesDir ) where import Base import Context.Path import Context.Type import Hadrian.Expression import Hadrian.Haskell.Cabal import Oracles.Setting -- | Most targets are built only one way, hence the notion of 'vanillaContext'. vanillaContext :: Stage -> Package -> Context vanillaContext s p = Context s p vanilla -- | Partial context with undefined 'Package' field. Useful for 'Packages' -- expressions that only read the environment and current 'Stage'. stageContext :: Stage -> Context stageContext s = vanillaContext s $ error "stageContext: package not set" -- | Get the 'Stage' of the current 'Context'. getStage :: Expr Context b Stage getStage = stage <$> getContext -- | Get the 'Package' of the current 'Context'. getPackage :: Expr Context b Package getPackage = package <$> getContext -- | Get the 'Way' of the current 'Context'. getWay :: Expr Context b Way getWay = way <$> getContext -- | Get a list of configuration settings for the current stage. getStagedSettingList :: (Stage -> SettingList) -> Args Context b getStagedSettingList f = getSettingList . f =<< getStage -- | Path to the directory containg the final artifact in a given 'Context'. libPath :: Context -> Action FilePath libPath Context {..} = buildRoot <&> (-/- (stageString stage -/- "lib")) -- | Get the directory name for binary distribution files -- @--ghc-@. -- -- We preform some renaming to accommodate Cabal's slightly different naming -- conventions (see 'cabalOsString' and 'cabalArchString'). distDir :: Stage -> Action FilePath distDir st = do let (os,arch) = case st of Stage0 -> (HostOs , HostArch) _ -> (TargetOs, TargetArch) version <- ghcVersionStage st hostOs <- cabalOsString <$> setting os hostArch <- cabalArchString <$> setting arch return $ hostArch ++ "-" ++ hostOs ++ "-ghc-" ++ version pkgFileName :: Package -> String -> String -> Action FilePath pkgFileName package prefix suffix = do pid <- pkgIdentifier package return $ prefix ++ pid ++ suffix pkgFile :: Context -> String -> String -> Action FilePath pkgFile context@Context {..} prefix suffix = do path <- buildPath context fileName <- pkgFileName package prefix suffix return $ path -/- fileName -- | Path to inplace package configuration file of a given 'Context'. pkgInplaceConfig :: Context -> Action FilePath pkgInplaceConfig context = contextPath context <&> (-/- "inplace-pkg-config") -- | Path to the @setup-config@ of a given 'Context'. pkgSetupConfigFile :: Context -> Action FilePath pkgSetupConfigFile context = contextPath context <&> (-/- "setup-config") -- | Path to the haddock file of a given 'Context', e.g.: -- @_build/stage1/libraries/array/doc/html/array/array.haddock@. pkgHaddockFile :: Context -> Action FilePath pkgHaddockFile Context {..} = do root <- buildRoot let name = pkgName package return $ root -/- "docs/html/libraries" -/- name -/- name <.> "haddock" -- | Path to the registered ghc-pkg library file of a given 'Context', e.g.: -- @_build/stage1/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.9.0/ -- @_build/stage1/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.9.0/array- pkgRegisteredLibraryFile :: Context -> Action FilePath pkgRegisteredLibraryFile context@Context {..} = do libDir <- libPath context pkgId <- pkgIdentifier package extension <- libsuf stage way fileName <- pkgFileName package "libHS" extension distDir <- distDir stage return $ if Dynamic `wayUnit` way then libDir -/- distDir -/- fileName else libDir -/- distDir -/- pkgId -/- fileName -- | Path to the library file of a given 'Context', e.g.: -- @_build/stage1/libraries/array/build/libHSarray- pkgLibraryFile :: Context -> Action FilePath pkgLibraryFile context@Context {..} = do extension <- libsuf stage way pkgFile context "libHS" extension -- | Path to the GHCi library file of a given 'Context', e.g.: -- @_build/stage1/libraries/array/build/HSarray- pkgGhciLibraryFile :: Context -> Action FilePath pkgGhciLibraryFile context@Context {..} = do let extension = "" <.> osuf way pkgFile context "HS" extension -- | Path to the configuration file of a given 'Context'. pkgConfFile :: Context -> Action FilePath pkgConfFile Context {..} = do pid <- pkgIdentifier package dbPath <- packageDbPath stage return $ dbPath -/- pid <.> "conf" -- | Given a 'Context' and a 'FilePath' to a source file, compute the 'FilePath' -- to its object file. For example: -- * "Task.c" -> "_build/stage1/rts/Task.thr_o" -- * "_build/stage1/rts/cmm/AutoApply.cmm" -> "_build/stage1/rts/cmm/AutoApply.o" objectPath :: Context -> FilePath -> Action FilePath objectPath context@Context {..} src = do isGenerated <- isGeneratedSource src path <- buildPath context let extension = drop 1 $ takeExtension src obj = src -<.> osuf way result | isGenerated = obj | "*hs*" ?== extension = path -/- obj | otherwise = path -/- extension -/- obj return result