/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * (c) The GHC Team, 1998-2004 * * Time values in the RTS * * To understand the structure of the RTS headers, see the wiki: * https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/wikis/commentary/source-tree/includes * * --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #pragma once // For most time values in the RTS we use a fixed resolution of nanoseconds, // normalising the time we get from platform-dependent APIs to this // resolution. #define TIME_RESOLUTION 1000000000 typedef int64_t Time; #define TIME_MAX HS_INT64_MAX #if TIME_RESOLUTION == 1000000000 // I'm being lazy, but it's awkward to define fully general versions of these #define TimeToMS(t) ((t) / 1000000) #define TimeToUS(t) ((t) / 1000) #define TimeToNS(t) (t) #define MSToTime(t) ((Time)(t) * 1000000) #define USToTime(t) ((Time)(t) * 1000) #define NSToTime(t) ((Time)(t)) #else #error Fix TimeToNS(), TimeToUS() etc. #endif #define SecondsToTime(t) ((Time)(t) * TIME_RESOLUTION) #define TimeToSeconds(t) ((t) / TIME_RESOLUTION) #define TimeToSecondsDbl(t) ((double)(t) / TIME_RESOLUTION) // Use instead of SecondsToTime() when we have a floating-point // seconds value, to avoid truncating it. INLINE_HEADER Time fsecondsToTime (double t) { return (Time)(t * TIME_RESOLUTION); } Time getProcessElapsedTime (void);