#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ bootstrap.py - bootstrapping utility for cabal-install. See bootstrap/README.md for usage instructions. """ USAGE = """ This utility is only intended for use in building cabal-install on a new platform. If you already have a functional (if dated) cabal-install please rather run `cabal v2-install .`. or `release.py` """ from enum import Enum import hashlib import logging import json from pathlib import Path import platform import shutil import subprocess from textwrap import dedent from typing import Set, Optional, Dict, List, Tuple, \ NewType, BinaryIO, NamedTuple, TypeVar #logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) BUILDDIR = Path('_build') BINDIR = BUILDDIR / 'bin' # binaries go there (--bindir) DISTDIR = BUILDDIR / 'dists' # --builddir UNPACKED = BUILDDIR / 'unpacked' # where we unpack tarballs TARBALLS = BUILDDIR / 'tarballs' # where we download tarballks PSEUDOSTORE = BUILDDIR / 'pseudostore' # where we install packages ARTIFACTS = BUILDDIR / 'artifacts' # Where we put the archive TMPDIR = BUILDDIR / 'tmp' # PKG_DB = BUILDDIR / 'packages.conf' # package db PackageName = NewType('PackageName', str) Version = NewType('Version', str) SHA256Hash = NewType('SHA256Hash', str) class PackageSource(Enum): HACKAGE = 'hackage' LOCAL = 'local' BuiltinDep = NamedTuple('BuiltinDep', [ ('package', PackageName), ('version', Version), ]) BootstrapDep = NamedTuple('BootstrapDep', [ ('package', PackageName), ('version', Version), ('source', PackageSource), # source tarball SHA256 ('src_sha256', Optional[SHA256Hash]), # `revision` is only valid when source == HACKAGE. ('revision', Optional[int]), ('cabal_sha256', Optional[SHA256Hash]), ('flags', List[str]), ]) BootstrapInfo = NamedTuple('BootstrapInfo', [ ('builtin', List[BuiltinDep]), ('dependencies', List[BootstrapDep]), ]) class Compiler: def __init__(self, ghc_path: Path): if not ghc_path.is_file(): raise TypeError(f'GHC {ghc_path} is not a file') self.ghc_path = ghc_path.resolve() info = self._get_ghc_info() self.version = info['Project version'] #self.lib_dir = Path(info['LibDir']) #self.ghc_pkg_path = (self.lib_dir / 'bin' / 'ghc-pkg').resolve() self.ghc_pkg_path = (self.ghc_path.parent / 'ghc-pkg').resolve() if not self.ghc_pkg_path.is_file(): raise TypeError(f'ghc-pkg {self.ghc_pkg_path} is not a file') self.hsc2hs_path = (self.ghc_path.parent / 'hsc2hs').resolve() if not self.hsc2hs_path.is_file(): raise TypeError(f'hsc2hs {self.hsc2hs_path} is not a file') def _get_ghc_info(self) -> Dict[str,str]: from ast import literal_eval p = subprocess_run([self.ghc_path, '--info'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, encoding='UTF-8') out = p.stdout.replace('\n', '').strip() return dict(literal_eval(out)) PackageSpec = Tuple[PackageName, Version] class BadTarball(Exception): def __init__(self, path: Path, expected_sha256: SHA256Hash, found_sha256: SHA256Hash): self.path = path self.expected_sha256 = expected_sha256 self.found_sha256 = found_sha256 def __str__(self): return '\n'.join([ f'Bad tarball hash: {str(self.path)}', f' expected: {self.expected_sha256}', f' found: {self.found_sha256}', ]) def package_url(package: PackageName, version: Version) -> str: return f'http://hackage.haskell.org/package/{package}-{version}/{package}-{version}.tar.gz' def package_cabal_url(package: PackageName, version: Version, revision: int) -> str: return f'http://hackage.haskell.org/package/{package}-{version}/revision/{revision}.cabal' def verify_sha256(expected_hash: SHA256Hash, f: Path): h = hash_file(hashlib.sha256(), f.open('rb')) if h != expected_hash: raise BadTarball(f, expected_hash, h) def fetch_package(package: PackageName, version: Version, src_sha256: SHA256Hash, revision: Optional[int], cabal_sha256: Optional[SHA256Hash], ) -> (Path, Path): import urllib.request # Download source distribution tarball = TARBALLS / f'{package}-{version}.tar.gz' if not tarball.exists(): print(f'Fetching {package}-{version}...') tarball.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) url = package_url(package, version) with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as resp: shutil.copyfileobj(resp, tarball.open('wb')) verify_sha256(src_sha256, tarball) # Download revised cabal file cabal_file = TARBALLS / f'{package}.cabal' if revision is not None and not cabal_file.exists(): assert cabal_sha256 is not None url = package_cabal_url(package, version, revision) with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as resp: shutil.copyfileobj(resp, cabal_file.open('wb')) verify_sha256(cabal_sha256, cabal_file) return (tarball, cabal_file) def read_bootstrap_info(path: Path) -> BootstrapInfo: obj = json.load(path.open()) def bi_from_json(o: dict) -> BuiltinDep: return BuiltinDep(**o) def dep_from_json(o: dict) -> BootstrapDep: o['source'] = PackageSource(o['source']) return BootstrapDep(**o) builtin = [bi_from_json(dep) for dep in obj['builtin'] ] deps = [dep_from_json(dep) for dep in obj['dependencies'] ] return BootstrapInfo(dependencies=deps, builtin=builtin) def check_builtin(dep: BuiltinDep, ghc: Compiler) -> None: subprocess_run([str(ghc.ghc_pkg_path), 'describe', f'{dep.package}-{dep.version}'], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL) print(f'Using {dep.package}-{dep.version} from GHC...') return def install_dep(dep: BootstrapDep, ghc: Compiler) -> None: dist_dir = (DISTDIR / f'{dep.package}-{dep.version}').resolve() if dep.source == PackageSource.HACKAGE: assert dep.src_sha256 is not None (tarball, cabal_file) = fetch_package(dep.package, dep.version, dep.src_sha256, dep.revision, dep.cabal_sha256) UNPACKED.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) shutil.unpack_archive(tarball.resolve(), UNPACKED, 'gztar') sdist_dir = UNPACKED / f'{dep.package}-{dep.version}' # Update cabal file with revision if dep.revision is not None: shutil.copyfile(cabal_file, sdist_dir / f'{dep.package}.cabal') elif dep.source == PackageSource.LOCAL: if dep.package == 'Cabal': sdist_dir = Path('Cabal').resolve() elif dep.package == 'cabal-install': sdist_dir = Path('cabal-install').resolve() else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown local package {dep.package}') install_sdist(dist_dir, sdist_dir, ghc, dep.flags) def install_sdist(dist_dir: Path, sdist_dir: Path, ghc: Compiler, flags: List[str]): prefix = PSEUDOSTORE.resolve() flags_option = ' '.join(flags) setup_dist_dir = dist_dir / 'setup' setup = setup_dist_dir / 'Setup' build_args = [ f'--builddir={dist_dir}', ] configure_args = build_args + [ f'--package-db={PKG_DB.resolve()}', f'--prefix={prefix}', f'--bindir={BINDIR.resolve()}', f'--with-compiler={ghc.ghc_path}', f'--with-hc-pkg={ghc.ghc_pkg_path}', f'--with-hsc2hs={ghc.hsc2hs_path}', f'--flags={flags_option}', ] def check_call(args: List[str]) -> None: subprocess_run(args, cwd=sdist_dir, check=True) setup_dist_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Note: we pass -i so GHC doesn't look for anything else # This should be fine for cabal-install dependencies. check_call([str(ghc.ghc_path), '--make', '-package-env=-', '-i', f'-odir={setup_dist_dir}', f'-hidir={setup_dist_dir}', '-o', setup, 'Setup']) check_call([setup, 'configure'] + configure_args) check_call([setup, 'build'] + build_args) check_call([setup, 'install'] + build_args) def hash_file(h, f: BinaryIO) -> SHA256Hash: while True: d = f.read(1024) if len(d) == 0: return SHA256Hash(h.hexdigest()) h.update(d) # Cabal plan.json representation UnitId = NewType('UnitId', str) PlanUnit = NewType('PlanUnit', dict) def bootstrap(info: BootstrapInfo, ghc: Compiler) -> None: if not PKG_DB.exists(): print(f'Creating package database {PKG_DB}') PKG_DB.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) subprocess_run([ghc.ghc_pkg_path, 'init', PKG_DB]) for dep in info.builtin: check_builtin(dep, ghc) for dep in info.dependencies: install_dep(dep, ghc) # Steps ####################################################################### def linuxname(i, r): i = i.strip() # id r = r.strip() # release if i == '': return 'linux' else: return f"{i}-{r}".lower() def macname(macver): # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacOS_version_history#Releases if macver.startswith('10.12.'): return 'sierra' if macver.startswith('10.13.'): return 'high-sierra' if macver.startswith('10.14.'): return 'mojave' if macver.startswith('10.15.'): return 'catalina' if macver.startswith('11.0.'): return 'big-sur' else: return macver def archive_name(cabalversion): # Ask platform information machine = platform.machine() if machine == '': machine = "unknown" system = platform.system().lower() if system == '': system = "unknown" version = system if system == 'linux': try: i = subprocess_run(['lsb_release', '-si'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='UTF-8') r = subprocess_run(['lsb_release', '-sr'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='UTF-8') version = linuxname(i.stdout, r.stdout) except: try: with open('/etc/alpine-release') as f: alpinever = f.read().strip() return f'alpine-{alpinever}' except: pass elif system == 'darwin': version = 'darwin-' + macname(platform.mac_ver()[0]) elif system == 'freebsd': version = 'freebsd-' + platform.release().lower() return f'cabal-install-{cabalversion}-{machine}-{version}' def make_archive(cabal_path): import tempfile print(f'Creating distribution tarball') # Get bootstrapped cabal version # This also acts as smoke test p = subprocess_run([cabal_path, '--numeric-version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, encoding='UTF-8') cabalversion = p.stdout.replace('\n', '').strip() # Archive name basename = ARTIFACTS.resolve() / (archive_name(cabalversion) + '-bootstrapped') # In temporary directory, create a directory which we will archive tmpdir = TMPDIR.resolve() tmpdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) rootdir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmpdir)) shutil.copy(cabal_path, rootdir / 'cabal') # Make archive... fmt = 'xztar' if platform.system() == 'Windows': fmt = 'zip' archivename = shutil.make_archive(basename, fmt, rootdir) return archivename def main() -> None: import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="bootstrapping utility for cabal-install.", epilog = USAGE, formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-d', '--deps', type=Path, default='bootstrap-deps.json', help='bootstrap dependency file') parser.add_argument('-w', '--with-compiler', type=Path, help='path to GHC') args = parser.parse_args() # Find compiler if args.with_compiler is None: path = shutil.which('ghc') if path is None: raise ValueError("Couldn't find ghc in PATH") ghc = Compiler(Path(path)) else: ghc = Compiler(args.with_compiler) print(f'Bootstrapping cabal-install with GHC {ghc.version} at {ghc.ghc_path}...') print(dedent(""" DO NOT use this script if you have another recent cabal-install available. This script is intended only for bootstrapping cabal-install on new architectures. """)) info = read_bootstrap_info(args.deps) bootstrap(info, ghc) cabal_path = (BINDIR / 'cabal').resolve() archive = make_archive(cabal_path) print(dedent(f''' Bootstrapping finished! The resulting cabal-install executable can be found at {cabal_path} It have been archived for distribution in {archive} You now should use this to build a full cabal-install distribution using v2-build. ''')) def subprocess_run(args, **kwargs): "Like subprocess.run, but also print what we run" args_str = ' '.join(map(str, args)) extras = '' if 'cwd' in kwargs: extras += f' cwd={kwargs["cwd"]}' print(f'bootstrap: running{extras} {args_str}') return subprocess.run(args, **kwargs) if __name__ == '__main__': main()