#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ release.py - build the release of cabal-install" """ USAGE = """ This utility is only intended for use in building cabal-install binary distributions on platforms with existing cabal-install. """ # TODO, by using v2-install we build from sdists, which is good # But we cannot get plan.json, to get dependency-receipt # https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/6988 # TODO provide DWARF enabled builds? # We don't build documentation, its well built by readthedocs. # We cannot make tarball, as the private key for signing should be on the builder machine. # We also don't use caching, this way we have one moving part less. import os import platform import shutil import subprocess from pathlib import Path from textwrap import dedent from typing import NamedTuple DEFAULT_INDEXSTATE='2020-07-23T11:14:13Z' Args = NamedTuple('Args', [ ('compiler', Path), ('cabal', Path), ('indexstate', str), ('rootdir', Path), ('builddir', Path), ('static', bool), ('ofdlocking', bool), ]) # utils ####################################################################### def subprocess_run(args, **kwargs): "Like subprocess.run, but also print what we run" args = list(map(str, args)) # For Windows, https://www.scivision.dev/windows-python-pathlib-subprocess-bug/ args_str = ' '.join(map(str, args)) extras = '' if 'cwd' in kwargs: extras += f' cwd={kwargs["cwd"]}' print(f'%{extras} {args_str}') return subprocess.run(args, **kwargs) # archive name ####################################################################### def linuxname(i, r): i = i.strip() # id r = r.strip() # release if i == '': return 'linux' else: return f"{i}-{r}".lower() def macname(macver): # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacOS_version_history#Releases if macver.startswith('10.12.'): return 'sierra' if macver.startswith('10.13.'): return 'high-sierra' if macver.startswith('10.14.'): return 'mojave' if macver.startswith('10.15.'): return 'catalina' if macver.startswith('11.0.'): return 'big-sur' else: return macver def archive_name(cabalversion): # Ask platform information machine = platform.machine().lower() if machine == '': machine = "unknown" if machine == 'amd64': machine = "x86_64" system = platform.system().lower() if system == '': system = "unknown" version = system if system == 'linux': try: i = subprocess_run(['lsb_release', '-si'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='UTF-8') r = subprocess_run(['lsb_release', '-sr'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='UTF-8') version = linuxname(i.stdout, r.stdout) except: try: with open('/etc/alpine-release') as f: alpinever = f.read().strip() version = f'alpine-{alpinever}' except: pass elif system == 'darwin': version = 'darwin-' + macname(platform.mac_ver()[0]) elif system == 'freebsd': version = 'freebsd-' + platform.release().lower() return f'cabal-install-{cabalversion}-{machine}-{version}' # Steps ####################################################################### def step_makedirs(args: Args): (args.builddir / 'bin').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) (args.builddir / 'cabal').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # 57936384 def step_config(args: Args): splitsections = '' if platform.system() == 'Linux': splitsections = 'split-sections: True' # https://github.com/Mistuke/CabalChoco/blob/d0e1d2fd8ce13ab4271c4b906ca0bde3b710a310/ extraprogpath = str(args.builddir / 'bin') if platform.system() == 'Windows': msysbin = Path('C:\\tools\\msys64\\usr\\bin') if msysbin.is_dir(): extraprogpath = extraprogpath + "," + str(msysbin) config = dedent(f""" repository hackage.haskell.org url: http://hackage.haskell.org/ remote-build-reporting: anonymous remote-repo-cache: {args.builddir}/cabal/packages write-ghc-environment-files: never install-method: copy overwrite-policy: always documentation: False {splitsections} build-summary: {args.builddir}/cabal/logs/build.log installdir: {args.builddir}/bin logs-dir: {args.builddir}/cabal/logs store-dir: {args.builddir}/cabal/store symlink-bindir: {args.builddir}/bin world-file: {args.builddir}/cabal/world extra-prog-path: {extraprogpath} jobs: 1 install-dirs user prefix: {args.builddir} """) with open(args.builddir / 'cabal' / 'config', 'w') as f: f.write(config) cabal_project_local ='' if args.static: # --enable-executable-static doesn't affect "non local" executables, as in v2-install project cabal_project_local += dedent(""" package cabal-install executable-static: True """) cabal_project_local += dedent(f""" package lukko flags: {'+' if args.ofdlocking else '-'}ofd_locking """) with open(args.rootdir / 'cabal.project.release.local', 'w') as f: f.write(cabal_project_local) def make_env(args: Args): env = { 'PATH': os.environ['PATH'], 'CABAL_DIR': str(args.builddir), 'CABAL_CONFIG': str(args.builddir / 'cabal' / 'config'), } # https://superuser.com/questions/1079017/is-there-an-environment-variable-for-c-users-username-appdata-local-temp-in-w # In particular, we surely need 'TEMP' # And also SYSTEMROOT to make 'curl' work! envvars = [ 'LANG', 'HOME', 'HOMEDRIVE', 'HOMEPATH', 'TMP', 'TEMP', 'PATHEXT', 'APPDATA', 'LOCALAPPDATA', 'SYSTEMROOT', ] for key in envvars: if key in os.environ: env[key] = os.environ[key] return env def step_cabal_update(args: Args): env = make_env(args) subprocess_run([ args.cabal, 'v2-update', '-v', f'--index-state={args.indexstate}', ], check=True, env=env) def step_cabal_install(args: Args): env = make_env(args) subprocess_run([ args.cabal, 'v2-install', '-v', 'cabal-install:exe:cabal', '--project-file=cabal.project.release', f'--with-compiler={args.compiler}', ], check=True, env=env) def step_make_archive(args: Args): import tempfile print(f'Creating distribution tarball') # Get bootstrapped cabal version # This also acts as smoke test cabal_path = args.builddir / 'bin' / 'cabal' if platform.system() == 'Windows': cabal_path = cabal_path.with_suffix('.exe') p = subprocess_run([cabal_path, '--numeric-version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, encoding='UTF-8') cabalversion = p.stdout.replace('\n', '').strip() # Archive name name = archive_name(cabalversion) if args.static: name = name + "-static" if not args.ofdlocking: name = name + "-noofd" basename = args.builddir / 'artifacts' / name # In temporary directory, create a directory which we will archive tmpdir = args.builddir / 'tmp' tmpdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) rootdir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=tmpdir)) shutil.copy(cabal_path, rootdir / 'cabal') # Make archive... fmt = 'xztar' if platform.system() == 'Windows': fmt = 'zip' archivename = shutil.make_archive(basename, fmt, rootdir) return archivename # Main procedure ####################################################################### def main(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="release packaging utility for cabal-install.", epilog = USAGE, formatter_class = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) class EnableDisable(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): value = option_string.startswith('--enable') setattr(namespace, self.dest, value) parser.add_argument('-w', '--with-compiler', type=str, default='ghc', help='path to GHC') parser.add_argument('-C', '--with-cabal', type=str, default='cabal', help='path to cabal-install') parser.add_argument('-i', '--index-state', type=str, default=DEFAULT_INDEXSTATE, help='index state of Hackage to use') parser.add_argument('--enable-static-executable', '--disable-static-executable', dest='static', nargs=0, default=False, action=EnableDisable, help='Statically link cabal executable') parser.add_argument('--enable-ofd-locking', '--disable-ofd-locking', dest='ofd_locking', nargs=0, default=True, action=EnableDisable, help='OFD locking (lukko)') args = parser.parse_args() rootdir = Path('.').resolve() args = Args( compiler = Path(shutil.which(args.with_compiler)), cabal = Path(shutil.which(args.with_cabal)), indexstate = args.index_state, rootdir = rootdir, builddir = rootdir.resolve() / '_build', static = args.static, ofdlocking = args.ofd_locking ) print(dedent(f""" compiler: {args.compiler} cabal: {args.cabal} index-state: {args.indexstate} builddir: {args.builddir} static: {args.static} ofd-locking: {args.ofdlocking} """)) # Check tools subprocess_run([args.compiler, '--version'], check=True) subprocess_run([args.compiler, '--print-project-git-commit-id'], check=True) subprocess_run([args.cabal, '--version'], check=True) step_makedirs(args) step_config(args) step_cabal_update(args) step_cabal_install(args) archivename = step_make_archive(args) print(dedent(f''' Packaging finished! Distribution have been archived in {archivename} ''')) if __name__ == '__main__': main()