-- [ ghc-Bugs-1249226 ] runInteractiveProcess and closed stdin. -- Fixed in rev 1.9 of fptools/libraries/base/cbits/runProcess.c -- This test doesn't work in GHCi, because FD 0 gets re-allocated to -- the IO manager pipe, which isn't set to non-blocking mode, and the -- interactive prompt ends up blocking on a read from this descriptor. import System.IO import Control.Concurrent import System.Process main = do hClose stdin -- everything works as expected if the handle isn't closed. putStrLn "Running cat ..." (inp, out, err, pid) <- runInteractiveProcess "cat" [] Nothing Nothing forkIO (hPutStrLn inp "foo" >> hClose inp) mout <- newEmptyMVar merr <- newEmptyMVar forkIO (hGetContents out >>= \s -> length s `seq` putMVar mout s) forkIO (hGetContents err >>= \s -> length s `seq` putMVar merr s) -- Don't want to deal with waitForProcess and -threaded right now. takeMVar mout >>= putStrLn takeMVar merr >>= putStrLn return ()